I have found the same in here How to Convert data frame to spatial coordinates. But in my case, I got very large data.
exchange longitude latitude
AB 103.3281386 1.594218196
AB 103.3285929 1.593990735
AB 103.3312494 1.591424235
AB 103.3283736 1.594063254
AB 103.3536164 1.622771588
AB 103.3613242 1.627138676
AB 103.3560151 1.619455334
AB 103.3297071 1.593398614
AB 103.3269466 1.596574285
AB 103.3279517 1.593614052
AB 103.3281356 1.593848271
AB 103.3567136 1.620498495
AB 103.3668021 1.63456952
AB 103.359686 1.624821271
AB 103.3308963 1.585290892
AB 103.3319569 1.59104387
AB 103.3307149 1.592006748
AB 103.3283657 1.593675616
AB 103.3314873 1.591186363
AB 103.3319648 1.590585241
AB 103.3321508 1.590422594
AB 103.3318503 1.588685843
AB 103.3324507 1.594547225
AB 103.3442528 1.60909707
AB 103.3292733 1.593461728
AB 103.3288584 1.594312512
AB 103.329041 1.594135083
AB 103.3348961 1.59761749
AB 103.3500524 1.614224612
It is impossible to do like they do:
mydf <- structure(list(longitude = c(128.6979, 153.0046, 104.3261, 124.9019,
126.7328, 153.2439, 142.8673, 152.689), latitude = c(-7.4197,
-4.7089, -6.7541, 4.7817, 2.1643, -5.65, 23.3882, -5.571)), .Names = c("longitude",
"latitude"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L))
So anyone can help me to change class from data.frame to spatial polygon?
my data is just the same as the other post [...] So anyone can help me to change classfrom data.frame to spatial polygon?
sp <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(mydf[, -1])), ID=1)))
# [1] "SpatialPolygons"
# attr(,"package")
# [1] "sp"
or, if you want exchange
to be the polygon identifier:
sp <- lapply(split(mydf[, -1], mydf[, 1]), Polygon)
sp <- SpatialPolygons(lapply(seq_along(sp), function(i) {
Polygons(list(sp[[i]]), ID = row.names(mydf[!duplicated(mydf[, 1]), ])[i] )
# class(sp)
# [1] "SpatialPolygons"
# attr(,"package")
# [1] "sp"
mydf <- read.table(header=T, text="
exchange longitude latitude
AB 103.3281386 1.594218196
AB 103.3285929 1.593990735
AB 103.3312494 1.591424235
AB 103.3283736 1.594063254
AB 103.3536164 1.622771588
AB 103.3613242 1.627138676
AB 103.3560151 1.619455334
AB 103.3297071 1.593398614
AB 103.3269466 1.596574285
AB 103.3279517 1.593614052
AB 103.3281356 1.593848271
AB 103.3567136 1.620498495
AB 103.3668021 1.63456952
AB 103.359686 1.624821271
AB 103.3308963 1.585290892
AB 103.3319569 1.59104387
AB 103.3307149 1.592006748
AB 103.3283657 1.593675616
AB 103.3314873 1.591186363
AB 103.3319648 1.590585241
AB 103.3321508 1.590422594
AB 103.3318503 1.588685843
AB 103.3324507 1.594547225
AB 103.3442528 1.60909707
AB 103.3292733 1.593461728
AB 103.3288584 1.594312512
AB 103.329041 1.594135083
AB 103.3348961 1.59761749
AB 103.3500524 1.614224612")