How to change image save location in CKeditor Drupal 7?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-02 19:32:53


I use ckeditor module for my project.
In ckfinder folder > config.php, the default image saved folder is ...

'baseUrl'      => '/ckfinder/userfiles/',

My project folder path is...

MAMP > htdocs > drupal > sites > all > themes > bootstrap > images

When I upload the image, ckfinder image folder create the location in ...

MAMP > htdocs > ckfinder

So, the level of drupal theme folder and ckfinder folder is the same.. I don't want to be like this.
I want to create the htdocs folder inside the theme folder. (drupal > sites > all > themes > bootstrap > images > ckfinder folder).

How can I do this ? Please help me...

