Paginate Multiple Models in Kaminari

可紊 提交于 2019-12-02 19:04:39

Before thinking about a solution, you need to first define exactly what you want the final result to be. If you want to display a few of each type of record on the results page you can modify the approach you posted and combine the three paginated results using:

@results = @users + @posts + @comments
@results.sort! { |a, b| a.score(query) > b.score(query) }

Each object will need to have an instance method 'score' that will let it sort based on the query priority. Also, you will need to modify your view to handle correct rendering of each item and ensure that the pagination is called on the model with the most pages.

Alternatively, a more robust method would be to add a full-text search service (such as Index Tank, Web Solr, Thinking Sphinx). The technology for what's hot for these moves quickly, so do some research and find one that fits your needs. Example syntax for this would be something like:

User.multi_solr_search query, models: [Post, Comment]

Ever since this commit:

You can do the following

In your view you can do this:

<%= paginate @users, :remote => true, :param_name => "user_page" %>
<%= paginate @posts, :remote => true, :param_name => "post_page" %>
<%= paginate @comments, :remote => true, :param_name => "comment_#{some_post_id}_page" %>

and then in your controller you can refer to them in this way:

@users =[:user_page])
@posts =[:post_page])
@comments =[:comment_page])

and your view's js.erb you might have something like:

$('#posts').html('<%= escape_javascript render(@posts) %>');
$('.table-pager').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(@posts, :remote => true).to_s) %>');

You could combine the results from the query and run page on that.

users =
posts =
comments =
@results = users + posts + comments[:page])