Here's the question that I'm supposed to code for:
Write the contract, docstring and implementation for a function showCast that takes a movie title and prints out the characters with corresponding actors/actresses from the given movie in an alphabetical order of characters. The columns must be aligned (20 characters (including the character's name) before the name of the actor/actress.) If the movie is not found, it prints out an error message.
It gives an example of what's supposed to happen here
>>> showCast("Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone")
Character Actor/Actress
Albus Dumbledore Richard Harris
Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe
Hermione Granger Emma Watson
Ron Weasley Rupert Grint
>>> showCast('Hairy Potter')
No such movie found
Here are other functions that I've written for the same project that will probably be of assistance in answering the question. A summary of what I've had to do so far is that I'm creating a dictionary, called myIMDb, with a key of the title of the movie, and the value another dictionary. In that dictionary that key is a character of a movie, and the value is the actor. And I've done stuff with it. myIMDb is a global variable for the record.
Other functions, what they do is the docString
def addMovie (title, charList, actList):
"""The function addMovie takes a title of the movie, a list of characters,
and a list of actors. (The order of characters and actors match one
another.) The function addMovie adds a pair to myIMDb. The key is the title
of the movie while the value is a dictionary that matches characters to
dict2 = {}
for i in range (0, len(charList)):
dict2 [charList[i]] = actList[i]
myIMDb[title] = dict2
return myIMDb
I've added three movies,
addMovie("Shutter Island", ["Teddy Daniels", "Chuck Aule"],["Leonardo DiCaprio, ","Mark Ruffalo"])
addMovie("Zombieland", ["Columbus", "Wichita"],["Jesse Eisenberg, ","Emma Stone"])
addMovie("O Brother, Where Art Thou", ["Everett McGill", "Pete Hogwallop"],["George Clooney, ","John Turturro"])
def listMovies():
"""returns a list of titles of all the movies in the global variable myIMDb"""
return (list(myIMDb.keys()))
def findActor(title, name):
""" takes a movie title and a character's name and returns the
actor/actress that played the given character in the given movie. If the
given movie or the given character is notfound, it prints out an error
if title in myIMDb:
if name in myIMDb[title]:
return myIMDb[title][name]
return "Error: Character not in Movie"
return "Error: No movie found"
Now where I'm having trouble
I'm supposed to write the showCast function, but I'm having a lot of trouble. I've been tinkering with it for a while but when I call myIMDb.values() everything returns. And I can't seem to loop through it to sort them to create the table.
Here's what I've come up with so far, but it doesn't do what I was hoping. I'm just hoping that one of you can steer me in the right direction. (The commented out region is what I was doing before, just so you can see my train of thought. [the print(alist) and print(alist[0]) was just to confirm that it's one big entry in a list, not separated at all])
def showCast(title):
if title in myIMDb:
aList = myIMDb[title]
print (aList)
""""for i in range (len(aList)):
if i%2==0:
return "Movie not Found"
First, i don't think you should return anything in the addMovie
function. Just simply add it to the global variable:
myIMDb = {}
def addMovie (title, charList, actList):
global myIMDb
"""The function addMovie takes a title of the movie, a list of characters,
and a list of actors. (The order of characters and actors match one
another.) The function addMovie adds a pair to myIMDb. The key is the title
of the movie while the value is a dictionary that matches characters to
dict2 = {}
for i in range (0, len(charList)):
dict2 [charList[i]] = actList[i]
myIMDb[title] = dict2
Although i don't recommend to use global variables often, i think it's forgivable in this case :D
After that, in your showCast
function, i'd use this:
def showCast(title):
if title in myIMDb:
movie = myIMDb[title]
for character, cast in movie.keys(), movie.values(): #grab the character from
#the keys, and cast from the values.
print (chList, actList)
return "Movie not Found"
Here's my output:
['Columbus', 'Jesse Eisenberg, '] ['Wichita', 'Emma Stone']
It's working as expected, hope this helps!
Maybe these snippets help you:
Printing a table row
def printRow(character, actor):
print(character + (20 - len(character)) * ' ' + actor))
Sorting the characters
def getSortedTitleList(titleList):
sortedList = []
characters = sorted(titleList)
for character in characters:
sortedList.append((character, titleList[character]))
return sortedList
Note: I changed dict.keys().sort()
to sorted(dict)
to be compatible with Python 3.