Is it possible to specify an anonymous function's return type, in Scala?

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-02 17:34:50

In my opinion if you're trying to make things more clear it is better to document the expectation on the identifier x by adding a type annotation there rather than the result of the function.

val x: () => Long = () => System.currentTimeMillis

Then the compiler will ensure that the function on the right hand side meets that expectation.

val x = () => { System.currentTimeMillis } : Long

Fabian gave the straightforward way, but some other ways if you like micromanaging sugar include:

val x = new (() => Long) {
  def apply() = System.currentTimeMillis


val x = new Function0[Long] {
  def apply() = System.currentTimeMillis

or even

val x = new {
  def apply(): Long = System.currentTimeMillis

since in most situations it makes no difference if it descends from Function, only whether it has an apply.
