String cannot be converted to JSONArray

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-02 11:19:39

I found what was wrong with JSON. I found at the beginning a character "?" added somewhere in the code and it was not visible until I stored the logCat entry to a file. So I added the code line and it works fine now.

result = result.substring(1);

I hope it may help someone in the future thanx to Waqas

Put this lines:

        while(result.charAt(0)!='[')  //or result.charAt(0)!='{'
            result = result.substring(1);
            Log.d("Tag1", "remove 1st char");



        result = sb.toString();

To become like this:;

        result = sb.toString();

            result = result.substring(1);
            Log.d("Tag1", "remove 1st char");
