Verilog D-Flip-Flop not re-latching after asynchronous reset

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-02 10:23:20

The latch output should go high if/when a rising clock edge occurs with data stable high and reset stable low. The only such edge I see is before the first reset pulse. If you wish for the latch to grab a signal at e.g. time 110ns, you should ensure that the reset input goes low prior to that. If your intention is that reset should be edge-triggered rather than level triggered, you may need to use a pair of flops, one triggered by clock and the other by reset, wired such that the D output of the first connects to Q of the second, and D of the second connects to /Q of the first. Feeding the outputs of the latches into an XOR gate will yield a signal that will indicate which signal had the most recent rising edge (warning: simultaneous rising edges may trigger metastability). The signal you seem to want could then be formed by taking the "AND" of the latched data with the output of the XOR, along with possibly some hazard-avoidance gates.
