I am attempting to parse the following YAML file using Groovy and Snakeyaml (clearly I have sanitised the data but it is sufficient to demonstrate the issue):
summary: Snakeyaml Issue
- 1st example:
name: Example 1
- 0.1:
foo: bar
I would expect the following statements:
println resource.info.summary
println resource.examples."1st example".name
println resource.examples."1st example".sublist."0.1"
to yield:
Snakeyaml Issue
Example 1
println resource.examples."1st example".sublist."0.1".foo
to yield:
However, the actual output from:
println resource.info.summary
println resource.examples."1st example".name
println resource.examples."1st example".sublist."0.1"
println resource.examples."1st example".sublist."0.1".foo
Snakeyaml Issue
[Example 1]
I can only get the desired output by including the list indicies:
println resource.info.summary
println resource.examples[0]."1st example".name
println resource.examples[0]."1st example".sublist[0]."0.1"
println resource.examples[0]."1st example".sublist[0]."0.1".foo
which seems unnecessary. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the structure of the data?
For completeness, the groovy code that I am using to illustrate the issue is shown below (I grabbed the CustomerResolver code off the web so that it would keep floats as strings):
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.Constructor
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.Tag
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.resolver.Resolver
def fileName = "example.yaml"
def Yaml yaml = new Yaml(new Constructor(), new Representer(), new DumperOptions(),
new CustomResolver())
def resource = yaml.load(new File(fileName).newInputStream())
println resource.info.summary
println resource.examples."1st example".name
println resource.examples."1st example".sublist."0.1"
println resource.examples."1st example".sublist."0.1".foo
class CustomResolver extends Resolver {
* Do not resolve float and timestamp
protected void addImplicitResolvers() {
addImplicitResolver(Tag.BOOL, BOOL, "yYnNtTfFoO");
addImplicitResolver(Tag.INT, INT, "-+0123456789");
addImplicitResolver(Tag.MERGE, MERGE, "<");
addImplicitResolver(Tag.NULL, NULL, "~nN\0");
addImplicitResolver(Tag.NULL, EMPTY, null);
Any ideas?
the problem in a way how you access the yaml
the examples
first contains list
and only then contains object
with key 1st example
for your case try this access:
println resource.info.summary
println resource.examples[0]."1st example"
println resource.examples[0]."1st example".name
println resource.examples[0]."1st example".sublist[0]
println resource.examples[0]."1st example".sublist[0]."0.1"
println resource.examples[0]."1st example".sublist[0]."0.1".foo
to understand how list accessor works check this example:
@Grab(group='org.yaml', module='snakeyaml', version='1.18')
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
def Yaml yaml = new Yaml()
def resource = yaml.load(new StringReader('''---
summary: Snakeyaml Issue
- 1st example:
name: Example 1
- 1st example:
name: Example 2
- 1st example:
xname: Example 3
- 2nd example:
name: Example 4
println resource.examples."1st example"
//prints> [[name:Example 1], [name:Example 2], [xname:Example 3], null]
println resource.examples."1st example".name
//prints> [Example 1, Example 2, null]