SVN: Way to determine revision by comparing file or file content

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-02 06:53:13
Patrick Quirk

Cribbing a bit off of this answer, here's a quick and dirty batch file that will do the job, assuming the input file is already under version control.

@echo off

set file=%1
set temp_file="temp.file"

if [%file%] == [] (
  echo Usage: "%0 <file>"
  exit /b

for /F "tokens=1 delims=-r " %%R in ('"svn log -q %file%"') do (
  svn cat -r %%R %file% > %temp_file%
  fc %temp_file% %file% > nul
  if errorlevel 0 if not errorlevel 1 echo Matches revision r%%R
  del /Q %temp_file%

This gets the log for the filename given, and for each revision does the following:

  • dumps the version of the file at that revision to a temporary file on disk
  • compares the dumped revision with the input file
  • if they're equivalent, fc sets errorlevel to 0, so check for that and output Matches revision r###
  • removes the temporary file

If you have to use any content outside VCS and identify corresponding resisions and don't add this data to file (text file) or repository (binaries) - it's your fail (Git-boys must suffer and be excruciated, because they haven't keywords directly /but have smudge|clean filters/ and revision properties /?/, but in SVN you have these possibilities). Re-think about your workflow and start using Power!

In your current state (no keywords, no metadata) you can (for each file)

  • calculate any available hash for unversioned file
  • calculate the same hash for this file for all revisions in question in repo
  • compare hashes and find a match(es)