第二组 作业二

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-02 03:49:15



  1. 某方法成功解决了…… sth successfully solve a variety of tasks in…….
  2. 在过去的一段时间 For many years In the past few years
  3. 某方法很重要:Xs are among the most widely used / commonly discussed / well-known / well-documented /widespread / commonly investigated types of …
  4. 夸过往研究 Last century X was considered to be / viewed as / seen as the most
  5. 某方法被认为如何如何:It confirms that
  6. 某方法被认为如何如何: served as ;
  7. 某方法很重要:a prevalent strategy for; have tremendously advanced in;is the most popular strategy for
  8. 大量研究:countless; millions of; increasingly largescale ;
  9. 少量研究:a small amount of;
  10. 揭示“表明”:can be explained from ;
  11. 在过去一段时间:over the past few years;
  12. 导致:result in; bring about ;
  13. 花式夸过往研究:have tremendously advanced in all regards;
  14. 越来越受到关注:Getting more and more attention;
  15. 现在的实验根据以往方向来 The experiment proceeds / continues following the steps outlined below.
  16. It should be mentioned  that,be based on/be concemtrated on


  1. 最近的一个研究怎么怎么样,不存在这样的限制        A recent approach applied …to…, and does not share these limitation
  2. 介绍本文工作  The problem this paper is concerned with is that of …
  3. 补充)解释相关术语:The term ‘X’ is generally understood to mean / has come to be used to refer to / has been applied to…
  4. 有相关性 X usually refers / often refers / tends to be used to refer to …
  5. 举例: as pointed out in 引起注意的连接词:Noticeably
  6. 过去的研究所用方法 Initial studies were made / performed / done / carried out / executed using the conditions described above over / for a period of …
  7. to illustrate, an example/ instance of this is,in that connection, as we said, apart from this.


  1. 一些方法被限制 spectral approaches are limited by …
  2. a lot of work has been done towards … by …
  3. 研究不足:Research has tended to focus on X rather than Y. An additional problem is that / Moreover X is …
  4. 存在的问题 A basic / common / fundamental / crucial / major issue of …
  5. 过去的观点:There are many works proposed to
  6. 转折:while;
  7. 过去的观点:a historical perspective ;
  8. 研究不足: remain the key problems towards;existing solutions cannot be directly used to solve;worse still;
  9. 需要继续探索:remain the key problems towards ;
  10. 与之相反:on the contrary; by contrast; Conversely;
  11. 链接连词:in contrast;
  12. 已有工作的评述:feasible;
  13. 过去的研究的不足 This study has not confirmed previous research on X. However / Nevertheless / Despite this, it serves to …
  14. make a profound study, further research



  1. 我们的研究表明…,为了去避免……,我们展示了…We show that ……In order to …… we present ……
  2. 解决问题To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that
  3. 研究目的:This paper outlines / proposes / describes / presents a new approach to …
  4. 研究贡献 This paper examines / seeks to address / focuses on / discusses / investigates how to solve …
  5. 研究的一系列”动作“:find out 研究价值展望:further exploration
  6. 研究目的:Our goal is to ;
  7. 在本研究中:in this paper;
  8. 研究的一系列动作:propose;design;develop;study; conduct experiments
  9. 解决问题:approach this ... goal;address...problem where;
  10. 我们研究的优势: show superiority of our method on;
  11. 研究价值展望:worths studying;  would be fruitful;
  12. 强调自己的结果 Strong / Some / No evidence of X was found
  13. research meaning; research significance; study significance; Research purpose and significance/ The objectives and scope of the research




  1. 介绍自己论文的创新点:In particular, the novelties that this paper brings are:
  2. 概括与其他作者的模型系统相似的地方:Our experimental set up bears a close resemblance to / is reminiscent of / is based on / is a variation on / was inspired by / owes a lot to / is more or less identical to / is practically the same as the one proposed by Smith
  3. 给一个论文的框架结构This paper is organized as follows / divided into five sections.
  4. 下结论时候可以写的句子:All the experiment study confirms that our proposed module is effective as compared to the state-of-the-art methods.
  5. 描述论文中图表可以用到的句子 The table below illustrates;The pie chart above shows;It can be seen from the data in Table 1 that
  6. 对结果的解释表示谨慎 Initially we thought that x was equal to y. However, a more careful analysis / closer inspection revealed that …
  7. 对图表进行解释It can be seen from the chart that significantly...-er(比较级)...than...
  8. 解释原理The biggest loss was to A, which decreased from... to... of the whole. 
  9. 保持不变Remained constant at.
  10. 图表说明The graph shows the percentage of