I want the greatest value (mailboxSize) at the top of the file. I have a cvs as inport.
When I do the following sort cmd:
Import-Csv import.csv| Sort-Object MailboxSize,DisplayName -Descending | Export-Csv SORT.csv
I get the following result:
But I want this as a result!
When importing a CSV-file, all properties are made string
-type. You have to cast the MailboxSize
to an int
before you can sort it properly. Try:
Import-Csv import.csv |
Sort-Object {[int]$_.MailboxSize}, DisplayName -Descending |
Export-Csv SORT.csv
You should also use the -NoTypeInformation
switch in Export-CSV
to avoid the #TYPE .....
line (first line in an exported CSV-file).
$data = @"
"@ | ConvertFrom-Csv
$data |
Sort-Object {[int]$_.MailboxSize}, DisplayName -Descending |
Export-Csv SORT.csv -NoTypeInformation
I'm guessing the usernames are fake, but be aware that the same issue goes for DisplayName
if your usernames actually was personeXX
where XX is an int. Like:
persone7 27536
persone20 27536
persone13 27536
To sort them probably, you'd have to create a scriptblock for Sort-Object
or create your own function to split the value and sort them correctly.