服务器:CentOS 7.6 GNOME桌面环境(若最小化安装,默认是无桌面的,那么就要安装桌面,参考百度) 个人主机:Windows 10专业版,请安装Xmanager Power Suite 6(提前安装,参考百度) 打开Xmanager,用Xshell连接服务器,超简单如下: 采用root方式登录 1、安装epel源,如果已经安装,可跳过此步骤 yum install epel-release -y 2、安装lightdm和xfce yum install lightdm -y yum groupinstall -y xfce 3、修改配置文件 vim /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ============= # The authentication key is a 56 bit DES key specified in hex as 0xnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Alternatively # it can be a word and the first 7 characters are used as the key. # [XDMCPServer] enabled=true port=177 #listen-address= #key= #hostname= ============= 4、将DisplayManager改为lightdm