
YouTube Analytics API php Samples

北慕城南 提交于 2019-11-30 19:34:22
问题 I want to make this YouTube Analytics Request with the PHP Client Libary ?ids=channel==CHANNELID &start-date=STARTDATE &end-date=ENDDATE &metrics=views, estimatedMinutesWatched, averageViewDuration, comments, favoritesAdded, favoritesRemoved, likes, dislikes, shares, subscribersGained, subscribersLost &dimensions=7DayTotals &fields=rows &sort=day Is this possible? Are there any PHP code Samples on how the get a YouTube Analytics Report

Using the YouTube Analytics API with a CMS account

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-11-30 07:23:35
I'm getting a 403 Forbidden error when trying to get youtube analytics api data using a CMS account. Just to confirm, is a CMS account the same thing as a Service account? I can get analytics data for channels that are owned by the oauth2 user but I get the 403 on any other channels that I have access to through my CMS account but am not the content owner of. (I have Administrator account level on the CMS account and the channels I get 403 error on have "Managed" relationship) Question: Are there any plans to have api support for querying channels managed under a CMS account?

Youtube Analytics API PHP Invalid query. Query did not conform to the expectations

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-11-29 12:35:51
I'm trying to make some analytics query from server to server. I'm using laravel with library. This is the code I'm using: $client = new Google_Client(); $key = file_get_contents(storage_path('key.p12')); $cred = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials( '***', array('', ''), $key); $client->setAssertionCredentials($cred); if ($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) { $client->getAuth()->refreshTokenWithAssertion(

How to use the Youtube Analytics API to get the metric “earnings”?

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-11-29 12:24:39
I am a Youtube Partner and I have monetized videos on Youtube. Already receive a small monthly amount through some channels that have associated with my Google Adsense account. Now, I would like to generate a report gathering the monetary values and views received from each channel. I did the following question on Google Code, because I thought there was some problem in the API, but it happened that I was using the API incorrectly. See the link below. Now, I still could not make it work because I do not know where to find

ROWS not returning in Youtube Analytics API?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-11-28 11:04:05
问题 I have made a request to this url: with the metrics: likes and dislikes . The echoed response: { "kind": "youtubeAnalytics#resultTable", "columnHeaders": [ { "name": "likes", "columnType": "METRIC", "dataType": "INTEGER" }, { "name": "dislikes", "columnType": "METRIC", "dataType": "INTEGER" } ] } Where are the rows and the actual data that i requested? In the documentation this is what is supposed to return when i request data from

How to use the Youtube Analytics API to get the metric “earnings”?

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-11-28 05:48:48
问题 I am a Youtube Partner and I have monetized videos on Youtube. Already receive a small monthly amount through some channels that have associated with my Google Adsense account. Now, I would like to generate a report gathering the monetary values and views received from each channel. I did the following question on Google Code, because I thought there was some problem in the API, but it happened that I was using the API incorrectly. See the link below.