
android file transfer using smack

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-01-12 08:37:53
问题 I am working on chatting application and i have to implement file transfer using smack api. I am able to Connect to the open fire server and can also chat with another client.But i dont know how to implement file transfer..I have found a code snippet but i am not ableto send it using that also.Following is the code snippet i am using: public void SendFile(final String Receiver, final String Directory) { Thread thread = new Thread() { public void run() { ServiceDiscoveryManager sdm =

pyxmpp: quick tutorial for creating a muc client?

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-12 08:00:34
问题 I'm attempting to write a quick load-test script for our ejabberd cluster that simply logs into a chat room, posts a couple of random messages, then exits. We had attempted this particular test with tsung, but according to the authors, the muc functionality did not make it into this release. pyxmpp seems to have this functionality, but darned if I can figure out how to make it work. Here's hoping someone has a quick explanation of how to build the client and join/post to the muc. Thanks! 回答1:

PHP Chat Bot: Google Talk

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-01-12 02:31:40
问题 I was wondering how to create a chat bot for Google Talk via special client. I know it uses XMPP to send messages, but I do not know how to use this at all. It is my understanding that I should be able to make a bot which chats for me when I am away if I were to create my own client page, which would parse the chats with my data. Where would I begin if I wanted to create a custom client, and how could I make it parse messages and autorespond in a set manner? My intended usage: autoresponder

How to get Java 32bit in Mac OS X Mavericks

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-11 09:39:11
问题 I'm trying to set up an Openfire XMPP server on my MAC, however the problem is that I needed to upgrade to Maverick for Titanium and once you upgrade to Maverick Java updates to a 64bit rather than the 32bit that is needed for Openfire. How can I get the Java 32bit again? 回答1: This Should help you on understanding how to run a 32-Bit java environment with the -d32 switch. However, the most recent version of Openfire should be 64bit compatible, found here. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com

Ejabberd - Server Configuration for public connection [closed]

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-01-07 07:24:07
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 7 years ago . I have a linux server. I installed ejabberd on the server. I can go into administration url - http://ipaddress:5280/admin I can not connect via jabber client to the server. How do I set up a server for public connection? 回答1: Make sure: a) You do not firewall the ports. b) You have valid SRV records for your

XMPP ejabberd SaaS Push Notifications

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-01-07 03:46:29
问题 This is an update to my previous question, XMPP push notifications causing problems. Thanks to the answer from Mickaël Rémond delay and duplication issues are gone but I still fail to understand the behaviour of push notifications. If I move the app to background (without locking device or termination) it won't receive any push notifications, and when I bring it back to foreground all the messages are received perfectly. When the app is in foreground and I lock the device, no notifications

do I need to setup my XMPP server if to use it for an real-time chat app running on iPhone and Android?

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-01-07 02:18:32
问题 Is there a public XMPP server available either free or commercial with good quality? Or we need to set it up ourselves? 回答1: You can use a publicly available XMPP server for free during your test/development phases. http://xmpp.net will give you a list of freely available Jabber servers. However, once you have your application running into production and specially at some scale, it's not recommended to use a 3rd party freely available server for your application. Alternately, if all you care

How to implement XMPP chat in an android app?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-01-06 13:28:30
问题 I tried using the Smack library, but all i get is this: 05-07 04:28:43.299 2958-2958/g.d.allinonechat E/dalvikvm﹕ Could not find class 'javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext', referenced from method org.jivesoftware.smack.util.dns.JavaxResolver.<clinit> that with a search on Google i found out, Google doesn't let some JRE classes work on Android, so.. nothing to do here tried aSmack, i'm using windows, tried compiling it on Linux Ubuntu, but it wouldn't compile ./build.bash line 142 /root

How to implement XMPP chat in an android app?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-06 13:27:12
问题 I tried using the Smack library, but all i get is this: 05-07 04:28:43.299 2958-2958/g.d.allinonechat E/dalvikvm﹕ Could not find class 'javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext', referenced from method org.jivesoftware.smack.util.dns.JavaxResolver.<clinit> that with a search on Google i found out, Google doesn't let some JRE classes work on Android, so.. nothing to do here tried aSmack, i'm using windows, tried compiling it on Linux Ubuntu, but it wouldn't compile ./build.bash line 142 /root

Remote server not found in XMPP

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-01-06 06:57:34
问题 i send Packet to client <iq id="kGufc-4" to="tp@localhsot" from="admin@localhost" type="get"><query xmlns='http://localhost/protocol/disco#info'/></iq> And received <iq id="kGufc-4" to="admin@localhost/testchat" from="tp@localhsot" type="error"><error code="404" type="CANCEL"><remote-server-not-found xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/></error></iq> what is problem??? 回答1: You have two problems with that stanza. 1) You've typod 'localhsot' instead of 'localhost'. 2) You're putting a