How to implement XMPP chat in an android app?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-06 13:27:12


I tried using the Smack library, but all i get is this:

05-07 04:28:43.299    2958-2958/g.d.allinonechat E/dalvikvm﹕ Could not find class '', referenced from method org.jivesoftware.smack.util.dns.JavaxResolver.<clinit>

that with a search on Google i found out, Google doesn't let some JRE classes work on Android, so.. nothing to do here

tried aSmack, i'm using windows, tried compiling it on Linux Ubuntu, but it wouldn't compile

./build.bash line 142 /root/Desktop/asmack-master/version-tags/4.0.0-rc2-SNAPSHOT-2014-04-27.tag: No such file or directory

the file doesn't exist, but i tried downloading the zipped file twice, and it isn't there nor it is dynamically generated.

Is there any other library i could use to connect to my Openfire server?

Thank You.


Regarding your own build of aSmack; I had exactly the same problem with the build script.

I discovered that directories releases and version-tags were missing. In your configuration I suggest to execute:

mkdir -p /root/Desktop/asmack-master/version-tags/
mkdir -p /root/Desktop/asmack-master/releases/
cd /root/Desktop/asmack-master/build.bash

Also do not forget to create file for ant in order to build final jar.

cp /root/Desktop/asmack-master/{.example,}

It is needed to set path to the Android-SDK in the In my environment it looks like this:


Then you can find final jars in releases directory.

Another alternative is to use already pre-built jars of aSmack as aSmack GitHub page suggests.

Edit: Problem with non-existing directories has been just fixed in the aSmack project. Build script will create them in case they are missing.

