
How to Turn xcdatamodel file into xcdatamodeld file?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-06 02:47:53
问题 I still have an xcdatamodel file. However, when I created a new project, xcode generate an xcdatamodeld file (with a d). I want to convert my xcdatamodel file into xcdatamodeld file. I know that xcdatamodeld is some form of directory. How would I do that? I can't copy the entity to the xcdatamodeld file 回答1: My answer from How to create the magic .xcdatamodeld folder / package?: To create a model bundle you select the single model, open the Editor menu in the main menu and select Add Model

Mogenerator not found by Xcode

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-05 14:58:41
问题 I'm trying to use Mogenerator in my iOS project developed in Xcode 5. I've installed Mogenerator with brew: brew install mogenerator then link: brew link mogenerator After that I have access to this tool from my command line. Next I'm trying to add one more step (script executing) in build phases (shell /bin/sh): mogenerator --model "${PROJECT_DIR}/MyProject/Model.xcdatamodeld/Model.xcdatamodel" --output-dir "${PROJECT_DIR}/MyProject" --template-var arc=true In effect I get error: line 2:

Compatibility problem with .xcdatamodeld between Xcode 4.1 (Lion) and Xcode 3.2.5 (snow leopard)

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-05 03:22:38
I have a problem with a Data Model using Core Data. 1/ I've created a data model on xcode 4.1 (on lion) with my entities and their relationships. In the inspector on the right i've checked "Tools version" : Minimum : Xcode 3.2 instead of Xcode 4.1. 2/ When i try to reopen my project, in Xcode 3.2.5 (on snow leopard), I click on "mydatamodel.xcdatamodeld", then on "mydatamodel.xcdatamodel", but nothing happen ! It's like my xcdatamodel file was empty but it's a 4.9 Mo file ! My xcdatamodel file refuses to open and it's very frustrating. 3/ I've tried just to add only the xcdatamodel file which

What are Fetch Index Elements in the CoreData Model?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-05 00:45:55
In my xcdatamodel two new fields, byTitleIndex and compoundIndex , are showing under Fetch Index Elements. I have not seen this section before in Xcode. What is a Fetch Index Element? Fetch Index Elements are part of Apple’s new indexing API, announced at WWDC 2017. They allow you to specify one or more Index Elements; properties that are used to create an index for faster database searches. In your case, the "title" property will be used to create an index called “compoundIndex” under your "Passage" entity, allowing for faster title searches. Announcement: https://developer.apple.com/videos

How to Turn xcdatamodel file into xcdatamodeld file?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-04 09:20:00
I still have an xcdatamodel file. However, when I created a new project, xcode generate an xcdatamodeld file (with a d). I want to convert my xcdatamodel file into xcdatamodeld file. I know that xcdatamodeld is some form of directory. How would I do that? I can't copy the entity to the xcdatamodeld file Matthias Bauch My answer from How to create the magic .xcdatamodeld folder / package? : To create a model bundle you select the single model, open the Editor menu in the main menu and select Add Model Version… . 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5850401/how-to-turn-xcdatamodel-file-into

Programmatically create attribute - Core Data

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-01 02:20:05
i have a simple iphone project which contains a simple xcdatamodel that has a single entity with roughly 3 attributes.. i want to know if there is a way to programmatically add an attribute to an entity.. i.e. if the user presses an "add" button of some kind, a simple string attribute is added to the entity and saved.. If this is not possible could someone point me in the right direction.. You can programmatically alter entities but you can't alter a managed object model after it has been assigned to a managed object context so that makes it useless for any user defined alterations. In any

How to delete an old/unused Data Model Version in Xcode

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-11-26 10:07:44
问题 How can I delete an old Data Model in Xcode? The option is disabled on the menu. (The models I want to delete have not been released to the public - they are interim development models.) 回答1: It's a hack, but this worked for me: Set the Current version of the model in Xcode to one that you want to keep Remove the .xcdatamodeld from your project (Right-click -> Delete -> Remove Reference Only ) Show the contents of the .xcdatamodeld package in the Finder (Right-click -> Show Package Contents)