
Build Frank with Cocoapods

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-12 02:07:54
问题 I'm trying build Frank with my xcode app that use Cocoapods. Setup ( frank setup ) is ok. After setup i ran frank build . I get error. After some research i ran: frank build --workspace my_app.xcworkspace/ --scheme my_app and result was: ** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: Check dependencies Check dependencies Check dependencies Check dependencies After another research i have tried to specify architecture. So i tried to build app using: frank build --workspace my_app

frank build fails on ld command

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-11 15:08:33
问题 I'm following the tutorial recommended on the Frank-Cucumber website (, but once executing frank build , the build fails saying: The following build commands failed: Ld Frank/frankified_build/2012\\ Olympics normal i386 (1 failure) This clang error is present around the previous ld call: clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) I'm using XCode 4.6.3, I have the

How do I install Frank when my project is using Cocoapods?

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-06 04:29:06
问题 I have a sample, new project that and I used Cocoapods to install TestFlight and RestKit . Now I am trying to add Frank but "frank build" does not work. I've tried following steps listed here; I've tried to modify the franked ../Frank/frankify.xcconfig and I've modified the .xcconfig for the default target. When I run "frank build", the build fails and leaves me a message, "ld: library not found for -lPods" . Any ideas on how to get this to work? 回答1: from the article you link to, after

How do I install Frank when my project is using Cocoapods?

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-04 12:19:58
I have a sample, new project that and I used Cocoapods to install TestFlight and RestKit . Now I am trying to add Frank but "frank build" does not work. I've tried following steps listed here ; I've tried to modify the franked ../Frank/frankify.xcconfig and I've modified the .xcconfig for the default target. When I run "frank build", the build fails and leaves me a message, "ld: library not found for -lPods" . Any ideas on how to get this to work? from the article you link to, after modifying your frankify.xcconfig file, you still have to call frank with the --workspace and --scheme flags.


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 22:11:45
Ŀ¼ PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP PHP session cookie 1.PHP PHP PHP hypertext prerocessor web HTML C Java Perl web web PHP 2.PHP 基本语法与名词解释 变量 常量 表达式 1)基本语法与名词解释 PHP PHP <?php ?> 这告诉 php 此种解析方式使得 php 记之外的部分都会被 php 分割符号: php 注释方法: php C C++ unit shell Js 输出方法: echo echo 2)变量 描述:变量是其所表示的值可以发生改变的量, 在 php 语法: $ 规则:变量名与 php 一个有效的变量名由字母或下划线开头,后面跟上任意数量的字母 ,数字,或下划 线。 注意: php php js php & 号。 php 例子: $var = ‘ frank ’; $Var = ‘ iwen ’; echo “ $var , $Var ”; // 输出 “frank, iwen”    3) 描述:常量指在脚本执行期间该值不能改变的标识符。 常量默认为大小写敏感,传统是常量表示符总是大写的。 语法: define ‘常量名’,’简单值’); 规则:常量名和其他任何 PHP 合法的常量名以字母和下划线开始,后面跟着任何字母,数字或下划线。 注意: