
How to Add Word Wrap Propery to SyntaxHighlighter Evolved v.3x

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-06-17 09:36:30
问题 I am using SyntaxHighlighter Evolved v.3x for highlighting my codes on Wordpress. In v.3x version no support for word wrapping. How can I do it word wrappable? I have to use v.3x because of I hate flash. I tampered with the codes a bit, but I couldn't get anything. 回答1: When you use the Syntaxhighlighter Evolved plugin, it actually generates you an HTML code like this: <div id="highlighter_810026" class="syntaxhighlighter php"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tbody> <tr>

Is there a nice way splitting a (potentially) long string without splitting in words in Python?

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-05-12 08:29:49
问题 I want to make sure that I only print maximum 80 character long lines, but I have a string s that can be both shorter and longer than that. So I want to split it into lines without splitting any words. Example of long string: s = "This is a long string that is holding more than 80 characters and thus should be split into several lines. That is if everything is working properly and nicely and all that. No mishaps no typos. No bugs. But I want the code too look good too. That's the problem!" I

Is there a nice way splitting a (potentially) long string without splitting in words in Python?

余生颓废 提交于 2020-05-12 08:28:26
问题 I want to make sure that I only print maximum 80 character long lines, but I have a string s that can be both shorter and longer than that. So I want to split it into lines without splitting any words. Example of long string: s = "This is a long string that is holding more than 80 characters and thus should be split into several lines. That is if everything is working properly and nicely and all that. No mishaps no typos. No bugs. But I want the code too look good too. That's the problem!" I

Bash script to to remove word wrap in csv file and add double quotes for entire csv file

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-04-18 03:57:40
问题 This is my sample data in csv file. As you can see for ID = '51126' there is a column which has data in word wrap format, The data is entered using atl+enter. I need to remove word wrap and etner into a single line and add double quotes to entire csv file. ID,OPPORTUNITY ID,CREATED_DATE,TIR NAME,MS Rep,SRC_SSR_REP,REGION,HP PBM NAME,COMPANY NAME,COMPANY ADDRESS,COMPANY CITY,COMPANY STATE,COMPANY ZIPCODE,COMPANY AMID,COMPANY USER CONTACT NAME,COMPANY USER TITLE,COMPANY USER PHONE,COMPANY USER

Prevent child from from stretching parent container [duplicate]

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-04-16 03:26:54
问题 This question already has answers here : How to match width of text to width of dynamically sized image? [duplicate] (3 answers) Closed 4 months ago . I have a fixed-position container element with two children. Both children contain text. I want one of the children to dynamically set the width of the container with its content. I want the other child's text to wrap appropriate based on that width. For example: .container { position: fixed; } .wrap { background: red; } .stretch { background:

Force JList to NOT wrap at all?

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-04-14 13:11:31
问题 Is there a possibility to force JLists to display all items on one line? setOrientationLayout() does not give you that option. 回答1: list.setLayoutOrientation(JList.HORIZONTAL_WRAP); list.setVisibleRowCount(1); 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7144689/force-jlist-to-not-wrap-at-all

Force JList to NOT wrap at all?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-04-14 13:07:30
问题 Is there a possibility to force JLists to display all items on one line? setOrientationLayout() does not give you that option. 回答1: list.setLayoutOrientation(JList.HORIZONTAL_WRAP); list.setVisibleRowCount(1); 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7144689/force-jlist-to-not-wrap-at-all


喜你入骨 提交于 2020-04-06 07:59:22
加上如下的CSS设置,就是设定好宽度width,然后设置合适的 word-wrap 和 word-break 属性: .breakAll{ white-space:normal; word-break:keep-all; word-wrap: break-word; } word-warp 属性设置如何处理单词的折行,可以取的值有ul里面的li折行其实跟其他块状(block)元素的折行都是一样的。以下是相关的CSS属性: word-wrap : normal | break-word word-break 属性设置如何处理单词折断,仅支持IE,可以取的值有: word-break : normal | break-all | hyphenate white-space 属性设置如何处理元素内的空白。可以取的值有: white-space : normal | nowarp | pre | pre-line | pre-warp | inherit 经测试对中文也有效。 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/fqh123/p/11170156.html

CSS3 文本换行

不羁的心 提交于 2020-03-25 22:27:18
文本换行其实是个非常常用但并不起眼的特性。你什么都不用设,浏览器自动就会换行。例如英语,浏览器会根据容器尺寸,选择在半角空格或连字符处换行。例如中文,浏览器会选择在文字或标点符号处换行。但有时遇到长单词或URL浏览器就没这么智能了,会出现撑破容器的现象,很难看,如下图 容器定宽150px的前提下,普通文字如左图浏览器足以胜任自动换行,右图遇见长单词或URL,浏览器就力不从心了。当然,你能为容器设置overflow:auto;,让滚动条出现,以避免撑破容器。或干脆overflow:hidden;让超出部分隐藏,见下图 但总感觉overflow不太理想,应该有换行专用的属性。本篇就介绍一下3种换行的属性 word-wrap word-break white-space word-wrap word-wrap能实现断词换行。可设normal,break-word。默认值normal等于没设,不赘述。break-word允许断词换行。如右图设了word-wrap: break-word;后,浏览器的执行过程:发现长单词显示不下,根据默认的换行规则,用半角空格换行,因此Ooops too后面空出了一段空白,长单词移到第二行发现仍旧显示不下,于是断词换行,长单词和URL因此被中间截断。 word-break word-break可以设置浏览器自动换行的方式。可设normal,break-all

Flutter - cannot use Flexible inside Padding for text wrapping purpose

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-03-17 03:22:33
问题 In my flutter app, I want to have a card and four boxes aligned horizontally with equal width and height inside it. Code follows ; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( body: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20,10,10,0), height: 220, width: double.maxFinite, child: Card( elevation: 5, child: Column( children: <Widget>[ Row( children: <Widget>[ Expanded( child: Container( height:25, color:Color(0xff6898F7), child: Text('Online Pharmacy',