
How to connect pyodbc to an Access (.mdb) Database file

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-26 14:47:45
问题 Here's what I've tried: -Find Vista's ODBC Data Source Manager* through search, -Add a new File Data Source*, selecting Driver for Microsoft Access (*.mdb), and selecting my mdb file of interest, -import pyodbc from python shell and try: pyodbc.connect("DSN=<that Data Source I just created>") I get the following error message (Portuguese**): Error: ('IM002', '[IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Nome da fonte de dados n\xe3o encontrado e nenhum driver padr\xe3o especificado (0)

cron jobs or PHP scheduler

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-26 14:38:46
问题 I am using MYSQL as my database and PHP as my programming language.I wanted to run a cron job which would run until the current system date matches the "deadline(date)" column in my database table called "PROJECT".Once the dates are same an update query has to run which would change the status(field of project table) from "open" to "close". I am not really sure if cron jobs are the best way or I could use triggers or may be something else.Also I am using Apache as my web server and my OS is

How to prevent Vista from requiring elevation on patch.exe?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-11-26 14:35:50
问题 [I'm sorry that this isn't directly a programming question. But I have recently switched to a new Vista machine where I am keeping UAC enabled (please don't tell me to disable it, it's not an option).] Every time I run gnu's patch.exe I get an elevation dialog from Vista. If I rename patch.exe to foo.exe it does not do this, so I assume this is one of Vista's "heuristics". Does anyone know how to disable this? It's driving me nuts and the Googles aren't helping. Or should I add a manifest

Delphi 2009: How to communicate between Windows service & desktop application under Vista?

心已入冬 提交于 2019-11-26 13:55:03
问题 How can a desktop application communicate with a Windows service under Vista/Windows2008/Windows7? The application needs to send small strings to the service and receive string responses back. Both are written in Delphi 2009. (Please provide sample code also) 回答1: The way to go is named pipes, you'll probably have to take a look at the communication across different Integrity levels. This article explores how to do this in vista. Although it's written in c++ it's just basic Windows API calls,

windows batch files: setting variable in for loop

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-11-26 13:46:34
问题 I have a number of files with the same naming scheme. As a sample, four files are called "num_001_001.txt", "num_002_001.txt", "num_002_002.txt", "num_002_003.txt" The first set of numbers represents which "package" it's from, and the second set of numbers is simply used to distinguish them from one another. So in this example we have one file in package 001, and three files in package 002. I am writing a windows vista batch command to take all of the files and move them into their own

Windows shortcut (.lnk) parser in Java?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-11-26 13:17:42
I'm currently using Win32ShellFolderManager2 and ShellFolder.getLinkLocation to resolve windows shortcuts in Java. Unfortunately, if the Java program is running as a service under Vista, getLinkLocation , this does not work. Specifically, I get an exception stating "Could not get shell folder ID list". Searching the web does turn up mentions of this error message, but always in connection with JFileChooser . I'm not using JFileChooser , I just need to resolve a .lnk file to its destination. Does anyone know of a 3rd-party parser for .lnk files written in Java I could use? I've since found

How to draw custom button in Window Titlebar with Windows Forms?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-11-26 12:44:09
问题 How do you draw a custom button next to the minimize, maximize and close buttons within the Titlebar of the Form? I know you need to use Win32 API calls and override the WndProc procedure, but I haven\'t been able to figure out a solution that works right. Does anyone know how to do this? More specifically, does anyone know a way to do this that works in Vista? 回答1: The following will work in XP, I have no Vista machine handy to test it, but I think your issues are steming from an incorrect

How do I disable the &#39;Debug / Close Application&#39; dialog on Windows Vista?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-11-26 12:42:28
When an application crashes on Windows and a debugger such as Visual Studio is installed the following modal dialog appears: [Title: Microsoft Windows] X has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. [Debug][Close Application] Is there a way to disable this dialog? That is, have the program just crash and burn silently? My scenario is that I would like to run several automated tests, some of which will crash due to bugs in the application under test. I don't want these dialogs stalling the

How do you run a command as an administrator from the Windows command line?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-11-26 12:35:55
问题 I have a small script that performs the build and install process on Windows for a Bazaar repository I\'m managing. I\'m trying to run the script with elevated, administrative privileges from within the Windows shell (cmd.exe)--just as if I\'d right-clicked it and chosen Run as Administrator , but without using any method that requires use of the graphical interface. 回答1: A batch/WSH hybrid is able to call ShellExecute to display the UAC elevation dialog... @if (1==1) @if(1==0) @ELSE @echo

Failed to update .mdf database because the database is read-only (Windows application)

Deadly 提交于 2019-11-26 12:31:05
问题 I\'ve created a database windows application using in C#. My application is running successfully on Windows XP, but it doesn\'t properly execute on Vista or Windows 7 systems. My application shows a message similar to Failed to update .mdf database because the database is read-only Can anyone give me a solution to this? 回答1: If the MDB file is in your application path, then the default permissions would require elevation of rights to be able to write to the files -- I'd recommend moving the