
How to pause a script just for a fraction of a second in PHP using the SLEEP() function?

别来无恙 提交于 2020-03-10 04:04:21
问题 sleep(1); #waits/sleeps for one second then continue running the script Q1. How to make this 1/100 of a second? which of these work: 0,01 or 0.01 or .01 ? Q2. What are alternatives? wait(); or snap(); ?? how do they differ (more/less precise)? 回答1: Q1. How to make this 1/100 of a second? which of these work: 0,01 or 0.01 or .01 ? None of the above! usleep is what you want for fractions of a second. usleep(100000) will sleep for one tenth of one second. Your other options are time_nanosleep

How to pause a script just for a fraction of a second in PHP using the SLEEP() function?

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-03-10 04:02:06
问题 sleep(1); #waits/sleeps for one second then continue running the script Q1. How to make this 1/100 of a second? which of these work: 0,01 or 0.01 or .01 ? Q2. What are alternatives? wait(); or snap(); ?? how do they differ (more/less precise)? 回答1: Q1. How to make this 1/100 of a second? which of these work: 0,01 or 0.01 or .01 ? None of the above! usleep is what you want for fractions of a second. usleep(100000) will sleep for one tenth of one second. Your other options are time_nanosleep

How to pause a script just for a fraction of a second in PHP using the SLEEP() function?

自作多情 提交于 2020-03-10 04:01:06
问题 sleep(1); #waits/sleeps for one second then continue running the script Q1. How to make this 1/100 of a second? which of these work: 0,01 or 0.01 or .01 ? Q2. What are alternatives? wait(); or snap(); ?? how do they differ (more/less precise)? 回答1: Q1. How to make this 1/100 of a second? which of these work: 0,01 or 0.01 or .01 ? None of the above! usleep is what you want for fractions of a second. usleep(100000) will sleep for one tenth of one second. Your other options are time_nanosleep


泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-03-09 10:08:35
1、HTML <div id='Code'></div>    2、JS var wait=60; $('#Code').text(wait+'s');timer = setInterval(function(){ if(wait==0){ $('#Code').text('点击获取'); clearInterval(timer);//清除定时器 }else{ wait--; $('#Code').text(wait+'s'); } },1000);    var wait=60;$('#AutoCode').text(wait+'s');timer = setInterval(function(){ if(wait==0){ $('#AutoCode').text('获取验证码'); clearInterval(timer) }else{ wait--; $('#AutoCode').text(wait+'s'); }},1000); 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/aididiao/p/12446763.html


老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-03-04 17:12:14
在java多线程编程中,最被经常用到的便是wait与notfiy方法,这两个方法可以用来更加精确地控制被同步的代码,从而使得被同步的代码最小化,提高并发效率。 当某个类的某个方法被标记为synchronized时,这个方法在同一时间只能被一个线程访问。此时这个方法中的所有代码都是被同步的,只有当一个线程执行完所有的代码之后,下一个线程才能开始执行。当被同步的方法代码量比较小,而且每一步执行都非常快的时候仅仅使用synchronized关键字就够了。但是,如果被同步的方法里面有一些代码是可以被共享的,而且这些能够被共享的代码里面存在比较耗时的操作时,仅仅使用synchronized关键字就无法达到最高的效率,这个时候可以使用wait与notify方法来对并发访问做更进一步的控制。首先看两段代码: public class TestThread { private boolean isIdle = true; public synchronized void work(){ /* * Some work which can be shared */ try { /* * to check if we can have this object's monitor */ if(!isIdle){ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread()

How to communicate between threads with wait and notify?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-03-04 15:34:13
问题 I have 2 threads running in the same function. I want to edit the data structures later in the code, but I want to make sure that both the threads have read the data and any future changes in the dict_list and ans_list will not be read by these threads. I was thinking of making use of commands such as wait() and notify() just before mutex.acquire() but since both the threads are using the same function, the second thread will have to wait for a notify that will never come. How can I approach


别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-03-02 22:51:15
int readcount, writecount = 0; //readcount,writecount都等于0 semaphore rsem, wsem = 1; // rsem,wsem都等于1 semaphore x,y,z = 1; // xyz都等于1 void reader(){ while(1){ wait(z); //用来保证写者优先. wait(rsem); //判断有没有写进程在临界区,有的话等待,没有的话不让新的写进程进来..由于wait(z)保证在这里最多只有1个读者 wait(x); //开始对readcount的互斥访问 readcount++; //更新读进程数量 if (readcount==1) wait(wsem); //第一个读进程需要判断是否有写进程在进行写操作,有的话需要等待,没有的话不让写进程进行新写操作.这里也会导致读者阻塞. signal(x); //结束对readcount的互斥访问 signal(rsem); //归还锁,让写进程可以进临界区 signal(z); doReading(); wait(x); //开始对readcount的互斥访问 readcount--; //更新读进程数量 if (readcount==0) signal(wsem); //最后一个离开临界区的读进程需要归还锁,让写进程可以进行写操作

Thread Signaling

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-03-02 10:50:02
本文大概意思都是都下边链接文章转换过来的,没有进行一字一句的翻译,只是把大概意思整里出来。 http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-concurrency/thread-signaling.html 线程信号的目的是为了线程之间相互通信。线程信号可以使线程等待另其他线程信号,例如thread B 或许等待从thread A 发出的数据准备处理信号。 1 Signaling via Shared Objects 线程之间可以通过共享对象来相互发送信号。Thread A 可以通过在synchronized同步块里设置变量 hasDataToProcess为true ,线程B同样在synchronized同步块里读取hasDataToProcess的值来确定是否有数据可读。 下面是一个简单的信号对象 public class MySignal{ protected boolean hasDataToProcess = false; public synchronized boolean hasDataToProcess(){ return this.hasDataToProcess; } public synchronized void setHasDataToProcess(boolean hasData){ this.hasDataToProcess =

关于Object#wait() 的虚假唤醒

佐手、 提交于 2020-03-02 09:44:43
先看关于wait()方法的javadoc描述 Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object. In other words, this method behaves exactly as if it simply performs the call wait(0). The current thread must own this object's monitor. The thread releases ownership of this monitor and waits until another thread notifies threads waiting on this object's monitor to wake up either through a call to the notify method or the notifyAll method. The thread then waits until it can re-obtain ownership of the monitor and resumes execution. As in the one


我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-03-02 09:27:11
在这里我们模拟一个生产者消费者问题。定义一个缓冲区,生产者生产数据并存入缓冲区,消费者从缓冲区中消费数据。缓冲区有固定大小,当缓冲区达到最大时生产者被挂起并等待消费者消费数据后再尝试将生产的数据加入缓冲区;当缓冲区数据量为0时,消费者被挂起直到有生产者向缓冲区中存入数据。 我们可以看到这个缓冲区是一个公共变量,所以缓冲区中数据的存放和取出都必须放置在一段synchronized修饰的同步代码中。 Java API的Object类提供了一组方法wait(),notify()和nofityAll()用于实现这个例子。 示例代码: 首先我们创建一个类来模拟实现一个阻塞数据缓冲池,这个缓冲池有一个链表结构用于缓冲数据,有一个整形变量用于定义数据缓冲区大小。一个set()方法用于模拟生产者向缓冲区内加入数据,一旦数据缓冲区满则挂起,成功插入数据后唤起所有消费者线程。一个get()方法用于模拟消费者从缓冲区中消费数据,一旦数据缓冲区空了则挂起,成功消费数据后唤起所有生产者线程。 public class EventStorage { private int maxSize; private LinkedList<Date> storage; public EventStorage() { maxSize = 10; storage = new LinkedList<Date>(); }