
Page get redirected on Google Adwords Conversion Tracking

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-11 04:29:50
问题 I've form where people submit data and the data is sent to the server using ajax. I've setup this as a conversion in Google Adwords. Below is the code that I've used. The problem is, when a user submits the form, after getting the response, its redirected back to URL that I've given. I don't want to redirect!! (Data submitted is using Vue-resource since this project is in VueJS) submit() { let self = this this.$validator.validateAll().then(success => { if (!success) { return; } document

Convert eloquent relationship into vue js code

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-11 01:02:43
问题 I have this project that should fetch values from a pivot table and one to many relationship. When using the eloquent syntax I am getting the correct output as seen here: ReservationController public function index() { $secSubs = Student::find(1); return $secSubs->sectionSubjects; } form.blade.php @inject('reservation', 'App\Http\Controllers\ReservationController') @foreach( $reservation->index() as $reserved ) <tr> <td>{{ $reserved->section->section_code }}</td> <td>{{ $reserved->subject-

How to capture any keypress event in Vuejs without using input element

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-10 16:29:46
问题 I am making kind of game in which I want user to enter a particular word and then I want to check if the particular word is pressed. If the word is pressed I will fetch the next word. Currently I am using a form and have used v-model shown below : <input v-model="inputSpell"> In the Vue instance I have used the watch property which constantly checks the if the input word matches the asked word. watch : { inputSpell : function() { var spellCount = this.spellCount; var inputSpell = this

vue--vue-resource实现 get, post, jsonp请求

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-10 14:43:39
vue-resource 实现 get, post, jsonp请求 除了 vue-resource 之外,还可以使用 axios 的第三方包实现实现数据的请求 之前的学习中,如何发起数据请求? 常见的数据请求类型? get post jsonp 测试的URL请求资源地址: get请求地址: post请求地址: jsonp请求地址: JSONP的实现原理 由于浏览器的安全性限制,不允许AJAX访问 协议不同、域名不同、端口号不同的 数据接口,浏览器认为这种访问不安全; 可以通过动态创建script标签的形式,把script标签的src属性,指向数据接口的地址,因为script标签不存在跨域限制,这种数据获取方式,称作JSONP(注意:根据JSONP的实现原理,知晓,JSONP只支持Get请求); 具体实现过程: 先在客户端定义一个回调方法,预定义对数据的操作; 再把这个回调方法的名称,通过URL传参的形式,提交到服务器的数据接口; 服务器数据接口组织好要发送给客户端的数据,再拿着客户端传递过来的回调方法名称,拼接出一个调用这个方法的字符串,发送给客户端去解析执行;


拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-10 14:12:59
使用vue-resource库发送请求获取数据 大家一定知道,在jquery中,我们使用$.ajax()方法,来发送请求获取数据, 在vue中,我们使用vue-resource或者axios来向接口发送请求,获取数据,官方推荐使用axios,其实用法差不多。 这里我们先介绍vue-resource库: vue-resource的特点: 1.体积小 vue-resource非常小巧,在压缩以后只有大约12KB,服务端启用gzip压缩后只有4.5KB大小,这远比jQuery的体积要小得多。 2.支持主流的浏览器 和Vue.js一样,vue-resource除了不支持IE 9以下的浏览器,其他主流的浏览器都支持。 3.支持Promise API和URI Templates Promise是ES6的特性,Promise的中文含义为“先知”,Promise对象用于异步计算。 URI Templates表示URI模板,有些类似于ASP.NET MVC的路由模板。 支持拦截器 拦截器是全局的,拦截器可以在请求发送前和发送请求后做一些处理。 拦截器在一些场景下会非常有用,比如请求发送前在headers中设置access_token,或者在请求失败时,提供共通的处理方式。 vue-resource的使用 引入vue-resource <script src="js/vue.js"></script>


橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-10 10:35:38
七.vue-resource vue 可以通过vue-resource发送数据请求 !!! 第一步要导包 !!! 注意;vue-resource.js 依赖于 vue.js 所以要注意顺序 <script src="js/vue-2.4.0.js"></script> <script src="js/vue-resource-1.3.4.js"></script> 7.1 get请求 7.1.1 请求格式 get [url] [options] this.$http.get('url').then(function (result){ success(){}, error(){} }) 7.2 post请求 7.2.1 请求格式 post [url] [body](数据对象) [options] this.$'url',data,{ emulateJSON: true } ).then(result =>{ success(){}, error(){} }) 来源:


跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-09 10:41:49
Vue进阶篇(一)之实现发送短信验证码登陆 用户名 风起时yft 手机 18234182076 两个接口: 1个点击获取验证码,发个请求给后端,把 参数:手机号 发给后端去请求这个接口 然后把 手机号和验证码 再发给后端,后台去验证成功的话就登录 监听状态码,发送请求成功会有返回值 axios学习 Axios 是一个基于 promise 的 HTTP 库,可以用在浏览器和 node.js 中。Axios的中文文档以及github地址如下: 中文: github: vue路由文档: npm install axios npm install --save vue-resource main.js import axios from 'axios' import VueResource from 'vue-resource' Vue.use(VueResource) Vue

Calling node express server API from Vue application running in a different port

孤人 提交于 2019-12-08 02:32:42
问题 I recently started learning vue.js and currently using vue.js with vue-simple-webpack template , express and mongo to develop a simple application . I am using localhost to develop and test the application. application front-end runs in port 8080 and the server is running in a different port (3000) Here is my server.js where i have a simple api to get data from my localdb const express = require('express'); const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; const mongodb = require('mongodb')

Configuration for vue-resource root and authorization

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-06 11:00:49
问题 I'm looking at the following documentation for vue-resource that describes how to set up configuration: It says to set your headers with a common authorization value: Vue.http.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Basic YXBpOnBhc3N3b3Jk'; I am guessing this "Basic YXBpOnBhc3N3b3Jk" value is just an example, but what is this value for, and what should one use instead of it? On the same page, I also see a setting for "root": Vue.http

Calling node express server API from Vue application running in a different port

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-06 07:48:47
I recently started learning vue.js and currently using vue.js with vue-simple-webpack template , express and mongo to develop a simple application . I am using localhost to develop and test the application. application front-end runs in port 8080 and the server is running in a different port (3000) Here is my server.js where i have a simple api to get data from my localdb const express = require('express'); const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; const mongodb = require('mongodb'); const bodyParser= require('body-parser'); const app = express(); var db; var URL='mongodb://localhost