Oracle 中的 sql语句
1、 select rowId,vin_S, assemblycode_s, assemblydes_s, case iskeeponpbs_s when '1' then '是' else '否' end, specialdes_s from uda_order where stage_s < '4800' and (isKeepOnPBS_s =0 or isKeepOnPBS_s is null) and OBJECT_KEY in (select order_key from work_order where creation_time > to_date('2014-10-10 15:30:29','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and creation_time < to_date('2014-10-18 15:30:29','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') ) case iskeeponpbs_s when '1' then '是' else '否' end and (isKeepOnPBS_s =0 or isKeepOnPBS_s is null) 上面的语句不能使用 isKeepOnPBS_s !=1 来查找(当数据库中isKeepOnPBS存在1,0,null三种情况时),否则null值的查不出来,<>和!=都是不等于