
What is __CxxFrameHandler4 and what does linker error “unresolved external symbol __CxxFrameHandler4” mean, exactly?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-19 04:24:05
问题 I'm using several libraries built through vcpkg (such as civet-web and prometheus-cpp), against my Visual C++ projects. When building x86 all is perfect, in x64 I get a bunch of linker errors: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __CxxFrameHandler4 Searching online all references to this symbol/error are about specific projects, I cannot find what __CxxFrameHandler4 is and what problem this error is highlighting. I don't know if it's a problem with the way vcpkg is building the library,

cmake cannot find libraries installed with vcpkg

核能气质少年 提交于 2021-02-17 22:54:19
问题 I want to use vcpkg in a CMake project in Windows, because I need boost and xerces that are both handled by this package manager. I've the following CMakeLists.txt : cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.12.0) project (myproj) set (CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${XERCES_ROOT}) set (Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) set (Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED ON) unset (Boost_INCLUDE_DIR CACHE) unset (Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS CACHE) # set (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../cmake/modules) find_package (Boost COMPONENTS

How to remove vcpkg and all libraries installed with vcpkg

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-02-07 12:01:51
问题 How does one completely remove vcpkg and all installations/system changes made by it? I recall seeing some FAQ about vcpkg where it said that you could just delete the vcpkg folder. However, I've been trying to find that same FAQ for over an hour now, to no avail. Also "just delete the folder" being the solution seems implausible to me, since I would assume vcpkg changes some environment variables or other settings, as well as the integration with Visual Studio that I was trying to use.

How to remove vcpkg and all libraries installed with vcpkg

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-02-07 12:01:05
问题 How does one completely remove vcpkg and all installations/system changes made by it? I recall seeing some FAQ about vcpkg where it said that you could just delete the vcpkg folder. However, I've been trying to find that same FAQ for over an hour now, to no avail. Also "just delete the folder" being the solution seems implausible to me, since I would assume vcpkg changes some environment variables or other settings, as well as the integration with Visual Studio that I was trying to use.

VS auto-linking against SDL2 libraries installed with vcpkg on Windows

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-01-29 07:36:04
问题 To the best of my knowledge, this isn't a duplicate of an existing question. This question is specifically about Visual Studio's auto-linking SDL2 libraries. I've installed SDL2 ( x64-windows variant) with vcpkg: vcpkg install sdl2 --triplet x64-windows And I've made vpkg libraries available to Visual Studio: vcpkg integrate install My VS 2019 project is configured to use the Console subsystem, and my main program looks like that: #define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED #include <SDL2/SDL.h> int main(int,

VS auto-linking against SDL2 libraries installed with vcpkg on Windows

北慕城南 提交于 2021-01-29 07:31:29
问题 To the best of my knowledge, this isn't a duplicate of an existing question. This question is specifically about Visual Studio's auto-linking SDL2 libraries. I've installed SDL2 ( x64-windows variant) with vcpkg: vcpkg install sdl2 --triplet x64-windows And I've made vpkg libraries available to Visual Studio: vcpkg integrate install My VS 2019 project is configured to use the Console subsystem, and my main program looks like that: #define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED #include <SDL2/SDL.h> int main(int,


ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-01-06 04:26:47
使用c++开发跨平台的程序 背景 在开发过程中,使用c++作为开发语言,通常被认为是痛苦的,啰嗦的,超长开发时间的.最近几年有各种各样的语言被广泛使用,相对比来说c++不是那么出彩.c++虽然年龄大,但是它不是坐以待毙的,它自己也在急剧变革,最近几年,为了方便c++的开发,涌现出非常多的工具.我结合自己的工作经验,打算写点东西,介绍一下. C++诞生初期解决了很实际的问题,但是随着时代的变革c++遇到了新的情况. 首先就是包依赖管理,c++并没有在这上面有所约束,导致开发在管理依赖包的时候,非常的困难,有时候可以说是一团糟.c++的处境,有点像nuget出现之前的c#,maven出现之前的java.不过现在这个也得到了解决.微软推出了vcpkg.此工具完全解决了这个问题.当然,针对c++包管理,还有其他的工具,此处,我只推荐vcpkg.理由如下:1.它切合了现代c++的开发流程.2.它真的很好的管理了包以及包依赖,以及头文件.3.它易于使用.在开发过程中每个平台的操作方式都是一致的. 其次项目组织方式,c++并没有在这上有所约束.好吧,所处的时代的确没有考虑到未来的情况.我这里选择cmake. 段子 A:我写c++代码, B:具体的工作是? A:你具体指的是写c++代码,写c++代码的代码,以及写c++文件的代码?....虽然是段子,不过cmake就是c++文件的代码.现在也算是c

How to feed CMake with vcpkg information?

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-12-13 04:48:40
问题 Suppose I have installed some library with vcpkg and it's numerous dependencied (say cgal ). Now I want to compile some program against these libraries with CMake . How should I tell CMake about all locations of all libraries I have downloaded? Including main library I have installed? I have only one setting in CMake , called "source directory" which will point to my code. Where are settings for libraries? D:\Users\ThirdPartyDesign\CGAL-5.0-examples\CGAL-5.0\examples\Triangulation_2 λ env |


不羁的心 提交于 2020-12-12 13:11:17
目录 前言 纹理映射 纹理坐标 映射到简单正方形 读取图像 生成正方形数据 生成纹理 着色器贴纹理 读取obj文件 obj文件格式 编写readObj函数进行读取 渲染一张桌子 完整代码 c++ 顶点着色器 片元着色器 前言 上一篇博客回顾: OpenGL学习(五)相机变换,透视投影与FPS相机 在上一篇博客中,我们利用相机变换矩阵,对场景进行透视投影,同时我们实现了可以自由飞翔的 FPS 相机。 迄今为止我们的渲染都是非常单调并且过时的,今天我们来引入一些现代化的东西,来丰富我们的场景。 首先我们会利用一张图片生成纹理,随后我们将这张图片贴在我们的物体上。这就像现代计算机游戏中,我们可以让艺术家们人为的制定一些图片,而不是由程序员大费周章的生成它。 在最后我们通过读取 obj 格式的模型并且创建对应的纹理,来绘制一些精美的模型。 ⚠ 该部分的绘制代码基于上一篇博客: OpenGL学习(五)相机变换,透视投影与FPS相机 博客内容因为篇幅关系,不会完整的列出所有的代码 完整代码会放在文章末尾 纹理映射 在正式开始之前,我们需要了解纹理映射的知识。在计算机游戏中,我们往往见到很多精美的模型,比如下图的水果摊,就有很多个🍎。 通过模型实际上还原这些🍎的几何细节是非常困难的。而且我们还要确定他们的颜色,这更加是难上加难。 于是我们想出了一个曲线救国的方式:我们将一张图片贴上去