
servelt request parameter value contains ampersand?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-24 12:53:09
问题 I have below the url. http://localhost:8080/servlet?user=John&message=hai&hello&recipient=scott In above url i have 3 request parameters as below. user=John message=hai&hello recipient=scott Here the problem is with message request parameter's value.because here its value contains ampersend (&). when i try request.getParameter("message") then i get only hai but not hai&hello . How can i solve this issue? Thanks! 回答1: Try this, instead ....&message=hi%26hello.... . I mean, encode it. [Edited]

get javascript url parameter from script source file in HTML

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-24 08:49:02
问题 My HTML block as follows, <html> <title>Example</title> <head> </head> <body> <h2>Profile Photo</h2> <div id="photo-container">Photo will load here</div> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://example.com/js/coverphoto.js?name=johndoe'></script> </body> </html> and I have saved this file as test.html . In JavaScript source the name will be dynamic. I want to collect the name in coverphoto.js. Tried in coverphoto.js as, window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1)

WSO2 Synapse: setting a URL parameter

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-23 19:45:42
问题 I am trying to do something that seems straightforward but can't get it to work. Basically I want the WSO2 API manager to add a URL parameter to a REST call. Setup and Problem I have a WSO2 API manager installed. I also have a Tomcat running with a bogus servlet called someservlet that simply logs anything it receives and returns ok. I have added the servlet as an API in the manager, so I can either call the servlet directly or via WSO2 API mgr. I can run curl http://localhost:8080

Storing a list of key value pairs in a url parameter, javascript.

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-23 19:29:30
问题 Assuming www.mydomain.com?param1=example as an example. What is the best way to store a second parameter that is a list of key value pairs? At the minute I use &param2=key|value,key|value . I separate the key from the value using a vertical line, and the pairing with a comma, everything after the equals is encoded using encodeURIComponent() . This works fine. However, the user has control of the value... And as sensible human beings we all know that the first thing the user will probably do

Do Azure API Mgmt have a length limit on path/parameters?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-23 17:31:15
问题 I have some APIs published in Azure API Management, that call a REST web application behind the scenes. Most of the endpoints use the format: https://company.azure-api.net/dom/ep/{pathParamVal}?{queryParamName}={queryParamVal} If {queryParamVal} is a really long string which causes the URL length to exceed 350-400 characters, everything works as expected. But if I specify that same string value as the {pathParamVal} , I get a HTTP 400 error code - HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid. .

How can I use URL parameters while debugging in Flash Builder 4?

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-23 13:07:29
问题 How can I use URL parameters while debugging in Flash Builder 4? 回答1: Modify your html template In the "html-template" directory in your project open "index-template.html" up and modify the following lines of code to suite your needs: var flashvars = {}; if (swfobject.getQueryParamValue("foo") && swfobject.getQueryParamValue("abc")) { flashvars.foo = swfobject.getQueryParamValue("foo"); flashvars.abc = swfobject.getQueryParamValue("abc"); } Please note that this is for a Flex 4 SDK project.

In Laravel how to groupBy Url without parameter in the query

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-23 12:33:10
问题 The below query is with lots of join table and DB::raw query, Which is working as expected. I would like to groupBy a "landing" which is a field in the table has URL stored. But I would like to groupBy URL without parameter. How can I achieve this? Query below trying to use SUBSTRING_INDEX but didn't worked. $adverts = DB::table('adverts') ->select(DB::raw('count(*) as total'),DB::raw('(SELECT DATE_FORMAT(max(instances.date), \'%d-%m-%Y\') FROM instances WHERE instances.ad_uid = adverts.ad

Thymeleaf: add parameter to current url

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-23 06:53:57
问题 I'm at http://example.com/some/page?p1=11 and I want to add a parameter to current url without having to redefine it: http://example.com/some/page?p1=11&p2=32 with something like: <a th:href="@{?(p2=32)}">Click here</a> but the above code return http://example.com/some/page?&p2=32 (removes the p1 parameter). How can I do it using Thymeleaf ? 回答1: The easiest solution is concatenating "requestURI" and "queryString". Here is example: <div th:with="currentUrl=(${#httpServletRequest.requestURI +

jquery mobile url parameter not updating in browser, but getting correct one with “data-url”

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-22 09:38:43
问题 I created the following example to show what I am experiencing. If I navigate from page1 to page 2 with the button Page 2a, the URL will be ...#page2?id=a as expected. When I click the button to go back to Page 1, then navigate to Page 2b, the URL will still show "#page2?id= a ", but the <a> tag is clearly has an href of "#page2?id= b " along with the $(e.target).attr("data-url") being "#page2?id= b " when I get to #page2. Any ideas what is going on here? Thanks in advance for any help. <html

Is it secure to put the user id as a url parameter?

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-22 09:25:15
问题 I am developing a social network and I would like to know if in the profile page of a user I could put the user id stored in database as a parameter in the url or is it a bad idea in terms of security? I want the url to be bookmarkable. Should I put another thing instead of the user id? 回答1: In terms of security there's no problem in putting the user id in a url. For example StackOverflow does it already: https://stackoverflow.com/users/3477044/aliuk What's important is to verify that the