
Any tool which generate C++ code against a design

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-23 04:11:17
问题 I have a class diagram , I want that to draw it in some tool which can generate native C++ out of it , I wish to have design first approach to test the various data structures I am designing for my application 回答1: A lot of tools can make C++ code out of UML diagrams. Try Software Ideas Modeller for example, it's a great UML tool, and it's free for non-commercial use. Also, wiki has a list of UML tools. You can sort them by "languages generated" column to check what they do support and chose

Why do we use UseCase diagrams in object oriented analysis and design even if Usecases are not considered as Object oriented?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-01-23 01:20:06
问题 UML notations says, Usecases are drawn to point out the functional requirements in the Problem Domain, it by no means gives the information about object or class as Data Flow Diagrams or Entity Relationship diagrams. But also why do we use Usecase Diagrams in object oriented analysis and design even if Usecases are not considered as Object oriented. 回答1: Use case diagram is meant to shed light on the main functionalities of the system , and emphasis the perspective presenting the latter as a


旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-01-22 22:04:49
OOAD 什么是 OOAD? 面向对象的分析与设计 , 使用面向对象的思想对一个系统的分析与设计 UML: 什么是 UML? 统一的建模语言 , 什么是建模 ? 将客观事物图形化 , 比如盖楼房 , 首先要把地基打好 统一指的是什么 ? 在计算机领域有很多的图形语言 , 这样就需要一个标准 ,UML 就是这样的一个标准 , 建模就是将需求用图的方式表达出来 UML 的组成 : 1. 元素 : 角色 , 用例 2. 图形 3. 扩展机制 : 扩展基本元素功能的机制 图形分类 : 静态图 , 动态图 静态图 : 类图 ( 描述类与类之间关系的图 ), 对象图 , 部署图 ( 拓扑结构 ), 组件图 , 用例图 ( 从客户的角度来描述系统的整个功能 ) 动态图 : 协作图 ( 按空间的交互图 ), 序列图 ( 时序图 , 描述多个对象按时间的交互过程 ), 活动图 ( 描述业务流程 , 也能做一个操作的建模 ), 状态图 ( 描述单个的对象 , 或者是单个的子系统的状态变化 ) 类图 : 类图 , 描述类与类之间关系的图 例子 : 图书管理系统 1. 利用 OO 的思想找对象 : 如 : 图书管理员 , 借书人 , 库存管理人员 , 书籍等等 2. 把他们抽象出来 : 找到与业务有关系的对象和对象的属性 3. 形成类 , 画出类图来 4. 实例并建立实例间的通讯 类之间的关系 : 1.

How to get feedback on design [closed]

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-21 09:08:40
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 6 years ago . As we know design is most important part of Software Development, I want to practice it. But problem is, I cannot get feedback on my design, is there any website where we can submit design (like UML diagrams) and community will review it. Thanks in advance. 回答1: Use the Code Review section on stackexchange. 来源:

Should user interfaces be included in the class diagram and sequence diagram?

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-01-21 03:15:32
问题 I have a project and I'm required to produce the class and sequence diagram. It is a procurement website. My only problem is that I don't know how to associate the web pages (user interfaces) to these diagrams. If they are not needed what is the right way for me to include it in the diagrams because from a book I read there are "UserInterface" classes, so another question, what should be inside of these UI classes.Can someone give me an example. Thanks! 回答1: There are several levels of

Should user interfaces be included in the class diagram and sequence diagram?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-21 03:15:12
问题 I have a project and I'm required to produce the class and sequence diagram. It is a procurement website. My only problem is that I don't know how to associate the web pages (user interfaces) to these diagrams. If they are not needed what is the right way for me to include it in the diagrams because from a book I read there are "UserInterface" classes, so another question, what should be inside of these UI classes.Can someone give me an example. Thanks! 回答1: There are several levels of

When to use UML Association Classes?

南楼画角 提交于 2020-01-21 01:44:12
问题 Can I improve my design on these 2 diagrams below? If so, how? I am confused by the use of association classes in my diagrams. Should I use them? Figure 1 Figure 2 回答1: For association classes, they make sense only if they represent associations with some behaviour and state. Look at Article'sSubject. It has nothing more than source, target and identity. You don't need a class for such a association, just use plain association, which has all those properties. There are more such unnecessary


笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-20 08:14:41
UML有用例图、类图、包图、对象图、活动图、状态图、交互图、部署图、构件图、九种图,这九种图分为了两类,第一类是结构图;第二类是行为图。 结构图包括: 类图;部署图;包图;构件图;对象图 行为图包括: 用例图;协作图;状态图;活动图;时序图 一、结构图 (一)类图 (用于描述系统的静态结构) 类图中包括类名、属性和方法三个方面如图中所示。有以下四种关系: 1.关联:用实线箭头表示 1.1普通关联有多重性(0…*等); 1.2 聚合描述整体/部分关系,用空心菱形表示; 1.3组合描述部分依赖于整体,用实心菱形表示; 2.依赖:用虚线箭头表示,尾部依赖于头部; 3.泛化(继承):实现空心三角,尾部继承头部 3.1单重继承:一个或多个子类继承一个父类; 3.2多重继承:一个子类集成多个父类,JAVA中不可实现,可用接口实现; 4.实现:虚线空心箭头表示,尾部实现头部,一般用于类实现接口 (二)包图 (三)对象图 对象图一般描述了一个系统某个时刻某部分的对象之间的关系,一般用于系统在某个时刻运行的快照,一般用于建立系统原型。 (二)构件图 所谓构件就是指系统遵从同一组接口且提供其实现的物理的、可替换的部分;每个构件能实现一定的功能,为其他构件提供接口,实现软件复用,构件与接口的关系如下: (三)部署图 部署图用于描述系统的软硬件分布关系,有节点进行关联,所谓节点就是指一个物理元素

difference between association and aggregation

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-20 04:09:09
问题 I understand the difference between aggregation and composition but I am struggling a bit with association. My current understanding is that an association exists between classes when ‘they use each other’, for example, one object is passed to the other during a method call. See also: Both objects exist independently and, in contrast to aggregation, no object is a container class of the other. Does


可紊 提交于 2020-01-19 08:00:29
我的 CSDN 博客是从 12 年的暑假开始使用的,到这个暑假正好是一年了。 12 年暑假开始接触的是英语,那时候我们的英语虽然也有方向但是却是没有看到曙光,但是到一年后的今天我们的英语已经开花结果了,七期的师哥师姐们让我们看到了胜利的曙光,对于英语我想说,“不抛弃,不放弃,我相信我们的 SB ”。 计算机的学习从数据库视频开始到五个小例子,再到学生信息管理系统的完成,再到 VB 版机房收费系统的完成,对于自己来说,我感觉是个分水岭的存在,因为 VB 版机房收费系统是依靠自己的力量一步步的完成的,是自己亲手完成的系统,在做系统过程中有挫折也有喜悦,过程很艰辛,但结果很欣喜。 接下来就进入了 C/S 的学习,首先是软工视频的学习,系统的了解到软件开发的具体方法和开发过程,然后第一次接触文档,写文档的过程确实很想让人跳楼,不过终究是过来了。然后是 UML ,统一建模语言的学习,通过看 UML 视频的学习然后是自己画 UML 九种图,当时也就是为了画图而画图也不知道画图的意义何在,到现在关于 UML 图也画了好多 .NET 版的机房收费系统几乎全都是靠 UML 图驱动,于是乎才渐渐体会到图的伟大,感觉图确实很神奇。 然后就到了寒假的时候开始了 C# 和大话设计模式的学习,这个阶段的学习用时特别长,但是到了现在发现自己对设计模式的理解还是很肤浅,不能很好的灵活运用