
Convert Trx into Html using TRXER

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-11-30 19:32:28
Just released a new tool called TRXER. Git link : All it does is tramsform TRX file (mstest results file) into html. The Html as shown below is clean,nice and understandable. You can see the pie indicates statuses count and a table that includes test classes that contains the tests themselves. You can view the release note here Hope you will love this product and find it useful. Best regards :) Nice work! The "Show Tests" link works right ? 来源:

Running MSTEST.exe /publish on a TeamBuild server, what are the prerequisites?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-11-28 00:21:20
Similarly to How to use MsTest in Continuous Integration without VS? , I want to run mstest.exe on a TeamBuild server. My context is Trapping Error Status in MSBuild - i.e., I'm only trying to use mstest.exe /publish to upload the results in to the TFS repository. Thus the full rigmarole in is (you'd hope) likely to be overkill, esp as MSTEST.exe, as covered in suggests all I need to do is install Team

Running MSTEST.exe /publish on a TeamBuild server, what are the prerequisites?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-11-26 23:24:25
问题 Similarly to How to use MsTest in Continuous Integration without VS?, I want to run mstest.exe on a TeamBuild server. My context is Trapping Error Status in MSBuild - i.e., I'm only trying to use mstest.exe /publish to upload the results in to the TFS repository. Thus the full rigmarole in is (you'd hope) likely to be overkill, esp as MSTEST.exe, as covered in