
iPhone libxml2 undefined symbols (with gdata, kissxml, touchxml, etc.)

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-01-10 03:33:05
问题 I'm trying to use any one of the libxml based 3rd party XML parsers, but I can't because I think I have a libxml2 problem of some sort I set my other linker flags to -lxml2 and header search paths to /usr/include/libxml2 but I still get a ton of undefined symbols when I try to compile. The errors below are the result of trying to compile TouchXML. Undefined symbols: "_xmlDocDumpFormatMemory", referenced from: -[CXMLDocument description] in CXMLDocument.o "_xmlXPathNewContext", referenced from

Using TouchXML with HTML Tidy

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-01-07 05:32:04
问题 I am trying to set up TouchXML in my iPhone app to parse HTML from a website, but unfortunately the website's HTML isn't valid XML. I'd like to use HTML tidy to tidy it up, and in fact TouchXML has a setting, TOUCHXMLUSETIDY , which when turned on in fact does this. But when I turn on this setting, I get the following errors: Tidy.h: No such file or directory found. I have libtidy.dylib installed in my target, and tried downloading the HTML Tidy source and putting it directly into my app, but

iPhone HTML Parsing using TouchXML and tidy

主宰稳场 提交于 2020-01-01 22:41:30
问题 I'm trying to parse HTML using TouchXML. However, it seems that the data I want to parse (I do not control the source, it's downloaded from the internet) is partially malformed - I get various errors during the parse. Therefore, it seems that I should be using the inbuilt tidy support to fix the HTML but I cannot seem to find any documentation or information on how to enable it or link libtidy successfully into my project. If anyone has any information on how to do this, it'd be much

TouchXML parsing XML attributes

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-18 12:05:34
问题 How do I use touchXML to parse this XML? I want to store all the attributes as key/value pairs in a dictionary. <Player PlayerName="Padraig HARRINGTON" CurrentPosition="1" CurrentRank="1" Country="IRL" NumberOfHolesPlayed="18" ParRelativeScore="+3"> <RoundScore RoundNumber="1" Score="74" /> <RoundScore RoundNumber="2" Score="68" /> <RoundScore RoundNumber="3" Score="72" /> <RoundScore RoundNumber="4" Score="69" /> </Player> <Player PlayerName="Ian POULTER" CurrentPosition="2" CurrentRank="2"

Memory crash using [CXMLNode nodesForXPath] with namespace mappings

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-13 07:24:21
问题 I'm trying to parse some XML in objective-c, using the TouchXML library. The XML has a namespace in the root element, so I'm using the method in the TouchXML library on the CXMLNode object like: - (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath namespaceMappings:(NSDictionary *)inNamespaceMappings error:(NSError **)error; My code uses this method to select a bunch of nodes matching an XPath query, then for each node I do some more XPath queries to read a few properties. For some reason, the second

Weird crash if I try to release CXMLDocument

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-12 02:42:59
问题 I am parsing some XML using TouchXML and I am getting a crash -EXC_BAD_ACCESS. What I found out through trial and error was that if I don't release my CXMLDocument (which I allocate), then everything is fine. Here's my code: - (NSArray *)getLookUps { //Do some stuff and then... NSData *tempData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:nil error:nil]; CXMLDocument *xmlDoc = [[CXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:tempData options:0 error:nil]; NSDictionary *mappings =

Parsing subnode with TouchXML

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-11 02:41:55
问题 I'm using TouchXML to parse my RSS. The new XML <channel> <item> <title> </title> <social> <views> <total_views>2</total_views> </views> <reviews> <average_rating>2</average_rating> </reviews> </social> </item> </channel> I currently parsing the XML and passing it with initWithData to my detail view for the title of the article like this: [rssData objectForKey: @"title" ]; But how do I show the value of stars its a subnode of rate and rate is a subnode from social? I have tried this: [rssData

How do I pass arrays of values to SudzC-generated webservice classes?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-06 04:42:49
问题 I have a sudzc service class generated from a WSDL that accepts an ArrayOfInt and ArrayOfString objects as parameters. The service method signature is this: - (SoapRequest*) Search: (id <SoapDelegate>) handler filters: (NSMutableArray*) displayedAttributes: (NSMutableArray*) displayedAttributes; My question is, how do I pass values into the parameters that expect NSMutableArrays? In the above method signature, the "displayedAttributes" parameter is expecting an ArrayOfInt object (which should

How do I pass arrays of values to SudzC-generated webservice classes?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-04 10:48:26
I have a sudzc service class generated from a WSDL that accepts an ArrayOfInt and ArrayOfString objects as parameters. The service method signature is this: - (SoapRequest*) Search: (id <SoapDelegate>) handler filters: (NSMutableArray*) displayedAttributes: (NSMutableArray*) displayedAttributes; My question is, how do I pass values into the parameters that expect NSMutableArrays? In the above method signature, the "displayedAttributes" parameter is expecting an ArrayOfInt object (which should be populated with several integers in an int tag, e.g., <int>1</int><int>2</int><int>3</int> etc).

TouchXML parsing XML attributes

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-11-30 05:19:43
How do I use touchXML to parse this XML? I want to store all the attributes as key/value pairs in a dictionary. <Player PlayerName="Padraig HARRINGTON" CurrentPosition="1" CurrentRank="1" Country="IRL" NumberOfHolesPlayed="18" ParRelativeScore="+3"> <RoundScore RoundNumber="1" Score="74" /> <RoundScore RoundNumber="2" Score="68" /> <RoundScore RoundNumber="3" Score="72" /> <RoundScore RoundNumber="4" Score="69" /> </Player> <Player PlayerName="Ian POULTER" CurrentPosition="2" CurrentRank="2" Country="ENG" NumberOfHolesPlayed="18" ParRelativeScore="+7"> <RoundScore RoundNumber="1" Score="72" />