
TortoiseSVN command keeps open processes

三世轮回 提交于 2020-01-11 14:32:08
问题 I am using a scheduled task to run a .bat script which updates my SVN repositories. The scheduled task runs every hour. It still creating a new process of "TortoiseProc.exe", every time I run the script, until the are a lot of open processes and the CPU is at 99%. The script is running fine, but unfortunately the processes won't be closed automatically. This is how my .bat looks like: CD C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\ START /wait TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"D:\somePath"

TortoiseSVN 和 VisualSVN

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-11 05:09:20
ylbtech-Miscellaneos:TortoiseSVN 和 VisualSVN 1. TortoiseSVN 百科 返回顶部 1-1、百科 TortoiseSVN 是 Subversion 版本控制系统的一个免费开源客户端,可以超越时间的管理文件和目录。文件保存在中央版本库,除了能记住文件和目录的每次修改以外,版本库非常像普通的文件服务器。你可以将文件恢复到过去的版本,并且可以通过检查历史知道数据做了哪些修改,谁做的修改。这就是为什么许多人将 Subversion 和版本控制系统看作一种“时间机器”。 1-2、网址 1-3、 2. VisualSVN 百科 返回顶部 2-1、百科 集成了Subversion和Apache,简化了手工配置Subversion的繁琐步骤。 VisualSVN Server是免费的,而VisualSVN是收费的。VisualSVN是SVN的客户端,和Visual Studio集成在一起, VisualSvn Server是SVN的服务器端,包括Subversion、Apache和用户及权限管理,优点在上面已经说过了。 2-2、网址 2-3、TortoiseSVN下载,安装,配置,常用操作


别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-09 13:04:52
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 说明 环境: 操作系统:centos 8.0 IP: 安装 用ROOT账号登录,在控制台执行以下命令,一直默认安装就好可以了。 [root@localhost ~]#yum install svn 输入svnserve --version 查看安装信息 这里可以看到版本是1.10.2 配置 创建目录和版本库 [root@qinshengfei ~]# mkdir -p /home/svn -p是递归创建多级目录 输入 svnadmin create /home/svn/project 创建版本库 [root@qinshengfei ~]# svnadmin create /home/svn/project 进入/home/svn/project目录,我们可以看到以下几个文件及文件夹: 配置用户访问权限 切换进conf目录 [root@qinshengfei project]#cd conf authz 配置用户、用户组读写权限 passwd配置用户、用户组密码 svnserve.conf配置svn相关服务参数 配置passwd文件 在文件里添加一行shelton=123456,shelton是账号名,123456是密码 配置authz文件 在文件里添加两行: [\] 表示根目录

Updating from svn repository returns “Could not read chunk size” error

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-09 06:46:35
问题 When updating from subversion repository using tortoise svn client I get error looking like that: Could not read chunk size: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. It doesn't prevent me from updating, just interrupts update process, so that I have to repeat update several times, before it is complete. What can cause such behaviour and how to fix it? 回答1: I was getting the "Could not read chunk size" message from clients on several machines. The key to figuring it out

Can I go back and edit comments on an SVN checkin?

十年热恋 提交于 2020-01-09 04:14:07
问题 I put a mistake into a comment in SVN. Can I edit this after checkin? 回答1: Commit messages are "unversioned properties" and can be changed with the svn propset command, for example $ svn propset --revprop -r 25 svn:log "Journaled about trip to New York." property 'svn:log' set on repository revision '25' This is setting the revision property called "svn:log" on revision 25 Configuring subversion to allow revision property changes Because these are unversioned, a default installation of

view comments in repository using tortoise svn

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-01-07 01:59:07
问题 How can I easily view comments in a repository using Tortoise SVN? I would like the most simple steps to see the comments associated with each revision. I do prefer using GUI always. I'm quite new to SVN so this might be a duplicate question. 回答1: Right click - TortoiseSVN - Show log. 来源:


好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-07 01:36:22
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 如何在Subversion中忽略文件? 另外,如何查找不受版本控制的文件? #1楼 另外,如果您使用Tortoise SVN,则可以执行以下操作: 在上下文菜单中,选择“ TortoiseSVN”,然后选择“属性” 在出现的窗口中,单击“新建”,然后单击“高级” 在出现的与“属性名称”相对的窗口中,选择或键入“ svn:ignore”,与“属性值”相反,键入所需的文件名或文件夹名称或文件掩码(在我的情况下为“ * / target”),单击“应用”。递归属性” 好。 好。 承诺 #2楼 使用以下命令创建不在版本控制文件下的列表。 svn status | grep "^\?" | awk "{print \$2}" > ignoring.txt 然后编辑文件, 只保留您实际上要忽略的文件 。 然后使用此选项忽略文件中列出的文件: svn propset svn:ignore -F ignoring.txt . 注意行尾的点。 它告诉SVN该属性是在当前目录上设置的。 删除文件: rm ignoring.txt 最后提交, svn ci --message "ignoring some files" 然后,您可以通过以下方法检查忽略哪些文件: svn proplist -v #3楼 我找到了

Cannot connect to a SVN repository using Tortoise SVN

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-01-06 02:28:29
问题 We have installed CollabNet Subversion Edge on a Windows 2008 R2 Standard server that is also runnning IIS 7.0. All of the Subversion traffic has been configured to use an SSL connection over port 8080. The URL to our repository use the following structure https://servername.domain:8080/svn/repositoryname Certain employees in our company cannot connection to the URL using Tortoise SVN and Visual Studio Ankh. They can connect to the URL using Internet Explorer Is there a way to monitor port

Merging branches on subversion

为君一笑 提交于 2020-01-05 08:28:10
问题 Could someone explain to me the process behind branching and merging? I don't know if I am doing something wrong but my merges are going very wrong. Here is my scenario: My repository is as follows: /repo |- branches |- tags |- trunk |- readme.txt //readme stores v1.0 Now I need to make 2 branches; 1 for new changes and 2 for bug fixes and they are as follows: /repo |- branches |- dev |- readme1.txt //readme renamed to readme1 and stores v1.0 |- readme2.txt //this file is empty |- bugfix |-

customized SVN depth value

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-01-05 07:11:13
问题 I need a list of all folder names under a branch in SVN. But not upto INFINITE depth.. Say i need upto 5 level of depth.. Is there any way to specify customized SVNdepth value? The problem in getting a immediate folder list and iterating is, each folder contains hundreds of sub-folder. command used : svn ls --depth infinity Instead of infinity can we use customized value(numeric value)? if so how? Thanks 回答1: Unfortunately numeric depths are not