
How to use TinyXml to parse for a specific element

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-05 05:41:49
I would like to parse a group of elements out of a TinyXml output. Essentially, I need to pick out any port element's "portid" attribute of the port has a state of "open" (shown below for port 23). What's the best way to do this? Here's the (simplified) listing for the output from TinyXml: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <nmaprun> <host> <ports> <port protocol="tcp" portid="22"> <state state="filtered"/> </port> <port protocol="tcp" portid="23"> <state state="open "/> </port> <port protocol="tcp" portid="24"> <state state="filtered" /> </port> <port protocol="tcp" portid="25"> <state state="filtered" /

TinyXML: Save document to char * or string

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-04 23:38:46
I'm attempting to use TinyXML to read and save from memory, instead of only reading and saving files to disk. It seems that the documnent's parse function can load a char *. But then I need to save the document to a char * when I'm done with it. Does anyone know about this? Edit: The printing & streaming functions aren't what I'm looking for. They output in a viewable format, I need the actual xml content. Edit: Printing is cool. I'm not familiar with TinyXML, but from the documentation it seems that by using operator << to a C++ stream (so you can use C++ string streams ) or a TiXMLPrinter

Parsing XML Elements using TinyXML

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-03 16:08:02
UPDATE: Still not working :( I have updated the code portion to reflect what I currently have. This should be a pretty easy question for people who have used TinyXML. I'm attempting to use TinyXML to parse through an XML document and pull out some values. I figured out how to add in the library yesterday, and I have successfully loaded the document (hey, it's a start). I've been reading through the manual and I can't quite figure out how to pull out individual attributes. After Googling around, I haven't found an example of my specific example, so perhaps someone here who has used TinyXML can

How to convert an XMLElement to string in TinyXML2

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-01 18:31:41
问题 In TinyXml 1 it was possible to convert a child element to a string using the << operator, e.g. TiXmlElement * pxmlChild = pxmlParent->FirstChildElement( "child" ); std::stringstream ss; ss << (*pxmlChild); This doesn't appear possible in TinyXml2. How do you convert an element to an xml string in TinyXml2? Edit: Specifically I'm after the xml, e.g. if the xml was: <parent> <child> <value>abc</value> </child> <parent> I want the xml for the child element, e.g. <child> <value>abc</value> <


99封情书 提交于 2019-12-01 12:03:01
1.xml 指可扩展标记语言(EXtensible Markup Language) 2.xml 是一种标记语言,类似html 3.xml 的设计宗旨是传输数据,而非显示数据 4.xml 标签没有被预定义。需要自行定义标签 XML与HTML区别 1.xml 不是 html 的替代。 2.xml 和 html 为不同的目的而设计: 3.xml 被设计为传输和存储数据,其焦点是数据的内容。 4.html 被设计用来显示数据,其焦点是数据的外观。 5.html 旨在显示信息,而 xml 旨在传输信息。 第三方库 XML第三方解析库,选用TinyXML,TinyXML也是一个开源的解析XML解析库,使用简单正如其名,用于C++开发,支持Windows和Linux。TinyXML通过DOM模型遍历和分析XML。 官网地址: http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml/ 生成XML文件 TiXmlDocument xmlDocument; // 添加XML声明 xmlDocument.LinkEndChild(new TiXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "GBK", "" )); // 添加根元素 TiXmlElement * xmlRoot = new TiXmlElement("root"); xmlDocument.LinkEndChild


老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-11-26 15:22:26
    读取xml在我们编程的过程中是非常常用的,无论是在java,还是在C++中都应用到xml文件的读写,由于xml是一组键值对的文件,具有很强的扩展性。所以在开发过程中大家比较喜欢用xml来保存数据。接下来,我来讲的是C++对于xml文件的读写。首先需要下载一下tinyxml。因为这个是网上大家都在使用的C++读写xml文件的,并且封装的不错。接下来我就讲讲tinyxml的使用说明。    在TinyXML中,根据XML的各种元素来定义了一些类:                                                      TiXmlBase:整个TinyXML模型的基类。                                                TiXmlAttribute:对应于XML中的元素的属性。                                                                   TiXmlNode:对应于DOM结构中的节点。                                                     TiXmlComment:对应于XML中的注释。                                                  


倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-11-26 14:09:11
本文转自: http://blog.csdn.net/linking530/article/details/6315172 # # c.cpp混合编译的makefile模板 # # BIN = foyerserver.exe CC = gcc CPP = g++ #这里只加入库头文件路径及库路径 INCS = LIBS = SUBDIRS = #生成依赖信息时的搜索目录,比如到下列目录中搜索一个依赖文件(比如.h文件) DEFINC = -I "./../../base/" -I "./../common" -I "./../../lib/lxnet/" -I "./../../lib/tinyxml/src/" #给INCS加上依赖搜索路径,分开写可能会产生不一致情况,而且繁琐 # # #maintest.c tree/rbtree.c 多了子目录,那就直接添加 目录/*.c即可 所有的源文件-- .c文件列表 CSRCS = $(wildcard ./*.c ./../../base/log.c ./../../base/corsslib.c ./../../base/idmgr.c ./../../base/pool.c) CPPSRCS = $(wildcard ./*.cpp ./../common/backcommand.cpp ./../common