

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-17 07:43:13
谈起当今最受欢迎的数据分析工具,可能很多人都会想到国外的Tableau和国内的代表自助式工具FineBI,但其实很多人都不知道他们之间的差异,那么这两个产品究竟谁优谁劣呢? 从定位上讲二者都属于自助式分析工具,在国内企业中十分风行,我也经常在工作中用到这两个工具,下面就根据自己的使用感受,从市场地位、可视化、产品性能、价格服务等四个方面来深度对比一下这两个BI工具: Tableau与FineBI 。 一、市场地位,孰强孰弱? 先说国外市场,我们可以参考一下世界权威研究机构Gartner去年发布的《全球商业智能和分析平台魔力象限评估报告》,报告中从前瞻性和执行力两个方面分析了国外BI厂商的综合实力,包括市场占有率、底层技术能力、资产投资回报、价格与服务等等,从中我们可以看出tableau在国外市场中处于绝对的领导地位,与微软的powerbi并驾齐驱,可见tableau在国外市场的受欢迎程度。 tableau成立于2003年,不足20年便发展成为国外BI巨头,与其极高的市场敏感性和数据驱动力不无关系,凭借着人性化的数据可视化站在了数字化时代的潮头上。 但是这份报告中并没有收录国产BI厂商,因此我们还无法看出与FineBI的对比。 那么在国内市场tableau的表现还是如此之好吗? 我们可以从去年IDC发布的《中国商业智能软件市场跟踪报告》中可见一斑

Downloading Tableau data into Excel (scientific notation column)

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-14 02:32:26
问题 Within one of my Tableau reports, I have an Acquirer Reference Number field which is 23 digits long. When the data downloads into Excel, Excel truncates the column and shows it as scientific notation (shown below) instead of the full 23 digit number. I know this isn't a Tableau issue, but I was wondering if anybody has ran into this issue and what the workaround is. I have tried to reformat this column in Excel after the data is downloaded, but it converts the last several digits to 0s. I

How to calculate current-1 year in tableau

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-13 18:34:14
问题 I am using Tableau 8.2,I want to show calculations for current as well as previous year,how to apply this dynamically? it is getting possible if the year is written manually but it will be only temporary solution, how to do that dynamically? i.e on applying filter Year=2013 then sales and orders value of current-1 year should be displayed I have sales and orders On the Columns. 回答1: A quick solution to this would be to create a new calculated field for previous year sales by using the Lookup

Public Tableau publishes an incorrect graph

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-13 07:41:07
问题 I created the following using Public Tableau But when I publish to tableu (see here), column A is pushed all the way to the right, i.e. Why does this even happen? It makes no sense. 回答1: Looks like the default sort order for [Class] is the data source order. To fix that, right click on Class in the Dimensions list and go to "Default Properties" / "Sort...". In that menu, choose "Alphabetic" in the "Sort by" window. 来源:

Tableau count values after a GROUP BY in SQL

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-13 04:09:13
问题 I'm using Tableau to show some schools data. My data structure gives a table that has all de school classes in the country. The thing is I need to count, for example, how many schools has Primary and Preschool (both). A simplified version of my table should look like this: In that table, if I want to know the number needed in the example, the result should be 1, because in only one school exists both Primary and Preschool. I want to have a multiple filter in Tableau that gives me that

Can Tableau Desktop be automatically refreshed when the database is updated

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-13 02:39:14
问题 I'm using Tableau Desktop 9.0 to create a visualization by extracting the data from DB2 database. But this database is updated everyday. That is, at the every time the data in the database changes. So is it possible for me to schedule a task of refreshing the extracted data source automatically at specific interval of time so that, after updating the report should reflect the results accordingly. Can this be done through Tableau Desktop automatically? The main thing is that it can easily be

Sending keys to Tableau with a script

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-13 00:28:46
问题 I am actually using Tableau Software Desktop and saving my workbooks to .twbx (tableau data extract + tableau workbooks) and I need to refresh my tableau data extract ( not the view ) every 4 hours. I found out that there are plenty of ways to do it with Tableau online but none with tableau desktop. What I am thinking of, would be to send the keys in a power shell script to Tableau to automatically refresh the .TDE ( which is connected to a psql database ). Thank you for helping. 回答1: Use the

Syntax error: Unexpected string literal '93868086.ga_sessions_' at [1:244] - BigQuery

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-12 22:30:28
问题 I have written this query in both standard and legacy SQL but I keep getting different errors ranging from Syntax Error or that it can't even find the table. I have tried this in Tableau's Custom SQL data connector and the Web UI and get the same syntax error. I am trying to query a year's worth of Google Analytics tables, but am getting an error like this for standard SQL: Syntax error: Unexpected string literal '93868086.ga_sessions_*' at [1:244] I am not too concerned about the Legacy SQL

Disable tableau custom view / remember my changes

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-12 22:27:13
问题 I want to disable the "Remember my changes " or the custom views options on a tableau view. I know it can be disabled by using ":CustomViews=n" parameter on the URL. But i want to disable it from server level. If possible, i would also want to disable it for certain users only. 回答1: It is not currently possible to disable custom views in Tableau Server. As a workaround, site administrators and other authorized users can allow or deny the permission 'Share Customized' which allows saved

How to convert string to date format in Tableau

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-12 18:36:33
问题 I want to parse the following string Wed Nov 18 20:22:45 +0000 2015 to date and time format in Tableau. Any idea how to use calculated fields? Tableau using the calculated field and DATEPARSE function? Thanks 回答1: Try this: Dateparse('EEE MMM dd hh:mm:ss Z yyyy', [YourString]) refer to for a full list of parameters to specify your date. 来源: