
Graphite returning incorrect datapoint

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-11-29 12:53:46
I downloaded statsd and graphite 0.9.x I used the stats-client provided with source of statsd as follows: ./ '|c' I did the above operation 10 times. Then I tried querying for a summary for last 24 hours: , "24hours", "sum",true)&from=-24hours&tz=UTC I get 1 datapoint as follows: "datapoints": [[0.0, 1386277560]]}] Why I am getting 0.0? Even Graphite Composer does not display anything I was expecting a value of "10" as I


吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-11-29 00:36:26
开源监控软件 Zabbix 和 Nagios 究竟哪个更好?Zabbix 可视化更好?Nagios 更轻量?作为产品经理程默的一名默默无闻的小粉丝,觉得很有义务把他的回答编辑整理出来让大家看到。下面是程默在知乎上的回答,经本人同意转载。 首先,提醒一下大家。下面的内容,有可能会被认为是广告,因为我推荐的是我自己做的一款产品:Cloud Insight. 但是,在对比 Zabbix 和 Nagios 的时候,我觉得有些东西还是值得拿出来讨论一下的。第一个就是上文 Wenx 提到的:没有更好,只有更适合吧。是否需要使用 Zabbix 或者 Nagios 都是可以拿出来讨论讨论的。在人员不够、经验不足、时间很紧的情况下,有必要使用 Zabbix 或 Nagios 这样很重的解决方案吗?Zabbix 和 Nagios 相继出现在 1998 年和 1999 年,经过历史的发展和迭代,以及社区中很多程序员的贡献,已经发展得很强大了。我们 OneAPM 公司初期也是使用 Zabbix 来做所有云主机和物理主机的监控。但是后期遇到了很多大的麻烦: 用 Zabbix 和 Nagios 真的很依赖运维工程师的实际水平和 Docker Mesos 这些新技术的支持。 需要自己去找脚本来试验,真的很麻烦。 数据是只读的,运维工程师真的就只是看看,出啥问题了,最后还是重启

Tracking metrics using StatsD (via etsy) and Graphite, graphite graph doesn't seem to be graphing all the data

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-11-28 17:34:51
We have a metric that we increment every time a user performs a certain action on our website, but the graphs don't seem to be accurate. So going off this hunch, we invested the updates.log of carbon and discovered that the action had happened over 4 thousand times today(using grep and wc), but according the Integral result of the graph it returned only 220ish. What could be the cause of this? Data is being reported to statsd using the statsd php library, and calling statsd::increment('metric'); and as stated above, the log confirms that 4,000+ updates to this key happened today. We are using:

Graphite returning incorrect datapoint

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-28 06:27:55
问题 I downloaded statsd and graphite 0.9.x I used the stats-client provided with source of statsd as follows: ./ '|c' I did the above operation 10 times. Then I tried querying for a summary for last 24 hours:, "24hours", "sum",true)&from=-24hours&tz=UTC I get 1 datapoint as follows: "datapoints": [[0.0, 1386277560]]}] Why I am

Tracking metrics using StatsD (via etsy) and Graphite, graphite graph doesn't seem to be graphing all the data

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-27 10:48:38
问题 We have a metric that we increment every time a user performs a certain action on our website, but the graphs don't seem to be accurate. So going off this hunch, we invested the updates.log of carbon and discovered that the action had happened over 4 thousand times today(using grep and wc), but according the Integral result of the graph it returned only 220ish. What could be the cause of this? Data is being reported to statsd using the statsd php library, and calling statsd::increment('metric

性能监控系统 | 从0到1 搭建Web性能监控系统

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-11-26 13:47:25
工具介绍 1. Statsd 是一个使用Node开发网络守护进程,它的特点是通过UDP(性能好,及时挂了也不影响主服务)或者TCP来监听各种数据信息,然后发送聚合数据到后端服务进行处理。常见支持的「Graphite」,「ElasticaSearch」,「InfluxDB」 等等 ,它集成了各种语言的客户端API,这里我们使用了jsocol/pystatsd: A Python client for statsd进行数据收集。 2. Graphite 是一套Python写的开源编程接口,主要是用来收集服务器的及时状态,在这里主要作为statsd的数据后端。分为了三个子项目 - carbon 守护进程,接收StatsD发送过来的原始统计数据。 - whisper 用来存储统计数据的时间序列数据库。 - graphite webapp 用来图形化展示统计数据的web项目 3. Grafana 使用Go开发,可以在界面上设计调整自己的统计图表,支持多重报警,可定制化。 安装 在这里我使用了[synthesize(进行快速安装Graphite和Statsd包,这里面需要注意安装数据在 **/opt/graphite ** 目录下面。这里面我们安装启动了 service carbon-cache start #