
MySQL's wait_timeout incorrect in SQLyog

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-11 03:37:49
问题 Following this question, I set the following MySQL parameter in C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\my.ini (the equivalent of Linux's my.cfg ): [mysqld] wait_timeout=2147483 After restarting Windows I used SQLyog to see the effect: SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout' gave a result of 28800 SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout' gave a result of 2147483 How come? I thought the global parameters are used as the default for each new session. 回答1: Bonus answer: I've gone through the

sqlyog export query result as csv

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-10 17:44:13
问题 I'm using SQLyog and I was wonder if would be possible to export query result as csv? What I mean let's say I have query like SELECT * FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_post_ID = 902 and I would get back some rows what I would export as csv. Found it! Right click on the result table and use export! 回答1: In order to make it clear you can see this screenshot. 回答2: To export Query results as CSV with SqLYog is fairly simple: right click on table and export as desired. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com

Error No. 2003. Can't connect to mysql server

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-10 16:56:45
问题 I has had two days searching and exploring solutions regarding the error 2003. Can't connect to mysql server on 'Server name'. The firewall is off and I had added the port 3306, the one that mysql uses. Any recommendation? 回答1: Please refer this FAQ which describes how to solve this issue: http://faq.webyog.com/content/23/15/en/error-no-2003-can_t-connect.html Error No. 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (or some other host) simply means that connection is not possible for one

Foreign key as Primary key

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-10 16:21:20
问题 I designed tables like this: table1: students --------------------- PK id name number ... --------------------- table2: students_score --------------------- PK FK student_id math_score english_score ... --------------------- Question 1 If some students doesn't have scores at all, is it good table design? Question 2 If it's good design, then how can I make FK as PK in MySQL? I can't find out how. Everytime I try to make a relation like above SQLYog says this error: Can't create table 'students

Rearrange column order in Sqlyog

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-07 05:02:37
问题 Is it possible to rearrange a table's column order in SQL yog? 回答1: Yes. Table / More Table Operations / Reorder Columns (ctrl shift r) 回答2: Column order is irrelevant to a database, so there isn't any benefit beyond readability to reorganizing column order. The only means of reordering a tables columns is to: Rename the current table to something else, like [tablename]_ORIG. A database won't allow identically named tables Create a new table with the column order you desire Copy the data from

How to on Performance_schema in mysql?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-06 16:25:43
问题 I want to turn performance_schema ON in mysql to collect statistics. How can I achieve this? 回答1: The following guide is linux-specific, but should easily be adaptable to windows. You have to check if the mysql server version you use, is compiled with support for it: mysqld --verbose --help | grep performance-schema If you can read something there, you are good to go. Enable it on server startup by putting into /etc/mysql/my.cnf [mysqld] performance_schema Afterwards do a service mysqld


生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-06 12:54:04
以前就经常遇到SQLyog莫名其妙连接不上数据库的问题,今天学习分模块构建maven工程的时候又遇到了。 由于东西是老东西 但是形式是新的,需要创建很多模块、配置很多pom文件,很繁琐。 当时项目跑得起来,tomcat也能部署项目,但是当访问controller跳转页面的时候就出问题了,浏览器一直转圈加载,当时我觉得是数据库或者连接池的问题,因为以前遇到过类似的情况, 但是回到idea后发现控制台也没有报错,只有一行log4j的warning 写作:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource) 。下意识真的认为是连接池的原因,当时的这个问题困扰了我半个小时左右,百度后也没有头绪。当我重新热部署项目的时候又出现了新的问题,控制台开始疯狂报错。 大概是在一直重复 this web application instance has been stopped already(XXXXXXX) 。 这搞得我头又大了,从下午三点一直懵逼到吃晚饭,一直在检查pom文件。吃完晚饭觉得是自己之前建项目的时候添加了子模块依赖,后来觉得子模块建的不合适,就又给删掉重建了,但是发现原来删掉的子项目的依赖居然还在。 当时以为是这个问题所以就重新建了一个项目

Error No. 2058 Plugin authentication_windows_client could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-06 09:13:32
问题 MySQL has a plugin that allows user authentication against current user’s Windows credentials. The plugin is ‘authentication_windows.dll’ . I get the following error message from SQLyog: Error No. 2058 Plugin authentication_windows_client could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found. The “authentication_windows_client” is a dll that is supposed to be loaded on the client side. Actually I think that SQLyog is looking for an older dll which has been replaced by MySQL with

SQL LIMIT by id column

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-06 05:04:41
问题 I have the following statement: SELECT s.*, u.`fname`, u.`lname`, aif.`airport` FROM services s INNER JOIN airports_in_flight aif ON s.`id` = aif.`service_id` INNER JOIN users u ON s.`service_provider_id` = u.`id` Lets say for example that this is the result I am getting: id | ----- | ------ | ............... 1 | Jack | Jones | ............... 1 | Moses| Cohen | ............... 2 | Tom | Jones | ............... 3 | Luke | SkyWal | ............... So I need to use LIMIT 2 so that I will get


試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-05 22:06:47
首先是mysql安装,参考下面两个链接 https://www.cnblogs.com/gengyufei/p/11735358.html#_label4 https://www.jb51.net/article/167678.htm 如何检查是否安装成功呢,就是cmd窗口进入安装的bin文件夹,若net start mysql显示运行成功 输入mysql -u root -p输入root密码进入数据库 输入show databases; 注意分号必须输入 就能看到目前运行的数据库情况了 然后下载sql图形化界面工具SQLyog(之前有人推荐Navicat,但我发现我下的那个只能用sql server) 建立新连接 hostaddress:localhost username:root password:mysql密码 post:3306 databases:先不填,因为如果填写了的话后面创建新的数据库就会无法显示 成功连接之后如下图 ‘ 在菜单中选择DB->Create Database,输入database name其他默认即可创建新的数据库。 在新建的数据库(例如mysql)中右键创建新的表 输入field name,数据类型,长度,默认值,是否主键,是否自增长等参数就能成功创建表格了。 最后成果是这样:后面会学习python将excel数据插入数据库和爬虫数据导入数据库 ’