
Load higher quality smooth streaming bitrate on start

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-14 02:35:57
问题 Is it possible to adjust the way in which smooth streaming xap bitrate is first started? As it is right now, the player shows a low quality stream until is has buffered the higher quality. Can I change this to allow for the higher quality on start? If so, how? (I've already seen this question, but I am not using the media platform player.) IIS Smooth streaming low quality on start 回答1: The answer on you link answers your question. All that you need is to replace the plugin by properties and

How to play videos using Smooth Streaming media element

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-08 04:13:30
问题 I want to stream a video file in my windows phone application.. After i have researched, the smooth streaming media element would do this, I believe. but when im assigning the SmoothStreamingSource to "http://www.streaming/video.mp4" the player does not show any video. But when i change the source to an .ism file it buffered and the video was playing. but I will only the video UTL from my web service. Pls help me in how to do this im WP apps. Here is my code: Using .ism file which works good:

IIS Smooth streaming low quality on start

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-11-29 14:21:23
问题 I m hosting some adaptive streaming video on windows azure and I have noticed that at the beginning the video start with the lowest avaiable bitrate. That is a big issue. I have seen by searching the internet that a trick can be done by hooking the manifestready event and removing the lowest bitrates and then adding them back after some time. It make sense but I have seen no sample code of doing that. I got the player code from expression encoder 4 and had a look but found nowhere where to do