
In a Emacs + Slime + Clojure + Windows setup, failure to load clojure-auto

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-05 05:54:19
I followed this very helpful guide on getting this development environment set up. When running the emacs.bat I get the following error in Emacs: File error: Cannot open load file, clojure-auto Unfortunitely I am completely new to both Clojure and Emacs, so any help in even figuring out where to begin looking would be helpful. Also, as a side note the last step in the guide is: Start up Emacs using the emacs.bat file. Then, just type "M-x slime", and the REPL will come up, and you're on your way. According to the Emacs documentation, M-x would be Meta key + x. It's unclear on the Meta key in

Ubuntu下Common Lisp环境的安装

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-04 23:57:36
1.安装emacs sudo apt-get install emacs 2.安装lisp环境 选择了sbcl sudo apt-get install sbcl clisp sbcl的具体执行程序位置是/usr/bin/sbcl..这个后面配置emacs时会用 3.安装slime sudo apt-get install slime slime的位置在/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime..这个后面也会用 4.配置emacs cat ~/.emacs (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/bin/sbcl") ;sbcl的路径 (add-to-list 'load-path"/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime") ;slime的路径 (require 'slime) (slime-setup) 5.进入CL交互环境 启动emacs..并按Alt+x(术语貌似是M-x)..输入slime..然后就等待一会儿.出现CL-USER>..就表示OK了.. 来源: oschina 链接:

SLIME 使用手冊(帝归翻译)

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-04 23:57:04
一、简介 Slime 的意思是“Emacs 下优秀的 Lisp 交互式开发模式”。 通过支持 Common Lisp 的交互式编程,Slime 扩展了 Emacs。所以的特性都基于 slime-mode,一个 Emacs 的 minor-mode,它为标准的 lisp-mode 提供补充。lisp-mode 为编辑 Lisp 源文件提供支持,而 slime-mode 则提供了与一个 Lisp 进程进行交互的功能,包括编译、调试、文档查找等等。 slime-mode 开发环境效仿 Emacs 原生的 Emacs Lisp 环境。我们也从某些类似的系统(例如 ILISP)那里借鉴了一些,当然也包括我们自己的想法。 Slime 由两部分组成:用 Emacs Lisp 写的用户界面,和用 Common Lisp 写的服务器端。这两部分通过套接字连接在一起,并且使用一个类似于 RPC 的协议通信。 服务器端的 Lisp 主要是可移植的 Commom Lisp。所需要的跟特定 Lisp 实现相关的特性都由一个接口定义好,然后由不同的 Lisp 实现提供。这使得 Slime 非常容易移植。 二、开始 本章告诉你如何配置和启动 Slime。 2.1 支持平台 Slime 广泛地支持多种操作系统和 Lisp 实现。Slime 可以在类 Unix 系统、Mac OSX 和 Microsoft

Slime 手册学习总结 (一)Emacs 快速切换不同缓冲区的设置技巧

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-04 23:56:39
Slime 手册学习总结 (一)Emacs 快速切换不同缓冲区的设置技巧 用 Emacs 环境进行 Common Lisp 编程,好的键盘操作技巧可以让你尽量少用鼠标,避免切换操作,有组于保持连续的思路。 今天介绍的技巧是如何设置快速切换不同缓冲区,一般的方法是用那个 C-x o 的命令,但是无法迅速指定你要的缓冲区,今天在学习 slime 用户手册时,发现这么一个使用 slime-selector 的设置技巧,试了一下非常好用,具体方法是在你的配置文件 .emacs 里增加这条语句: (global-set-key "\C-c s" 'slime-selector) z这条语句把 slimeselector 命令绑定到快捷键 "\C-c s" 同时按 CTRL 和 c 键,松开,再按 s 键,最下方的回显区会提示:Select : [候选字符] 输入候选字符中的任意一个就可以迅速切换到对应的缓冲区,候选字符对应的缓冲区如下: Select Methods: 4: Select in other window ?: Selector help buffer. c: SLIME connections buffer. d: *sldb* buffer for the current connection. e: most recently visited emacs-lisp

What is wrong with my emacs/slime setup (compile-and-load/eval not working)?

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-04 06:32:53
I can run emacs and start slime (with M-x slime ). At this point I get the REPL in the inferior-lisp buffer and can run lisp there. But when I open up lisp code in another buffer none of the slime-goodness works ( C-x C-e , C-c C-k etc.) and I keep seeing this in the Messages buffer (with an increasing count-number): slime-connection: Not connected. Polling "/var/folders/B9/B9B5J15dH+aNt5J5gkROEk+++TI/-Tmp-/slime.3202".. (Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.) [69 times] Makes me think slime is not connecting to the correct lisp interpreter, but since I am very new to emacs and lisp I am

What does #+#. mean in lisp?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-03 22:26:41
It is almost impossible to google, hence my understanding is limited to contextual clues from reading through the slime source code: perhaps it is part of the object system in common lisp? Something like 'self'? snippet: (cond #+#.(swank-backend::sbcl-with-new-stepper-p) Perhaps this will make it more googleable : pound plus pound // hash plus hash symbol // octothorp plus octothorp That's pretty rare to see. #+clim clim:+red+ #-clim mygraphics:+red+ above means that the reader returns either red symbol and it depends whether there is a symbol with the name CLIM is on the list of features

Emacs 使用 slime 调用 clisp 失败--无法调用 ASDF--已经解决

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-03 22:00:54
Emacs 使用 slime 调用 clisp 失败--无法调用 ASDF 执行到如下顺序时出错 ;; Swank started at port: 61252. CL-USER> ;; Loading file /Users/admin/.slime/fasl/2013-04-02/clisp-2.49-unix-unknown/contrib/swank-mrepl.fas ... ;; Loaded file /Users/admin/.slime/fasl/2013-04-02/clisp-2.49-unix-unknown/contrib/swank-mrepl.fas ;; Loading file /Users/admin/LispBox-0.93/slime-2013-04-05/contrib/swank-asdf.lisp ... 错误提示信息如下: Could not load ASDF. Please update your implementation or install ASDF2 and in your ~/.swank.lisp specify: (defparameter swank::*asdf-path* #p"/path/containing/asdf/asdf.lisp") [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

Stopping infinite loops while running clojure tests in emacs with leiningen and swank/slime

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-03 16:34:46
问题 In certain kinds of code it's relatively easy to cause an infinite loop without blowing the stack. When testing code of this nature using clojure-test, is there a way to abort the current running tests without restarting the swank server? Currently my workflow has involved $ lein swank Connect to swank with emacs using slime-connect , and switch to the the tests, execute with C-c C-, , tests run until infinite loop, then just return but one cpu is still churning away on the test. The only way

(Emacs) Text is read only?

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-03 09:13:06
问题 So I was working in emacs and the suddenly, the slime-repl sbcl says text is read only. Well that's great because now I can't type anything into it. How do I fix? 回答1: "Buffer is read-only" can be cured by C-x C-q but as Drew & phils said, "Text is read-only" is very different -- it means some part of the buffer has a read-only property. Try moving away from the read-only part, e.g., to the end of the buffer. Emacs Lisp Manual > > Text > Text Properties > Special Properties Since

Stopping infinite loops while running clojure tests in emacs with leiningen and swank/slime

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-03 05:52:45
In certain kinds of code it's relatively easy to cause an infinite loop without blowing the stack. When testing code of this nature using clojure-test, is there a way to abort the current running tests without restarting the swank server? Currently my workflow has involved $ lein swank Connect to swank with emacs using slime-connect , and switch to the the tests, execute with C-c C-, , tests run until infinite loop, then just return but one cpu is still churning away on the test. The only way to stop this I have found is to restart lein swank, but it seems like this would be a relatively