
Is anyone using System.Data.SQLite within SharpDevelop?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-06 09:29:16
I was just wondering if perhaps any of you guys has been successful integrating SQLite into a SharpDevelop project? If that's the case it'd be really interesting if you wouldn't mind to go ahead and share the experience with the rest of us. I've tried the more sort of orthodox approach of using Visual Studio 2008 Express Editions and whatnot but, although it apparently plays well with Visual Web Developer , unfortunately the SQlite.NET package fails to work with Visual C# , so SharpDevelop is pretty much my only hope now. Thanks everyone in advance. After googling a lot and mixing a variety of

C# SendKeys.SendWait to a dialog of another Process (notepad.exe)

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-06 04:57:56
I'm trying to do the following in C#: Open a new process (notepad.exe) Enter some text (using SendKeys) Close Notepad (deal with any confirmation dialogs) Here's what I got Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.Filename = "notepad.exe"; p.Start(); // use the user32.dll SetForegroundWindow method SetForegroundWindow( p.MainWindowHandle ); // make sure notepad has focus SendKeys.SendWait( "some text" ); SendKeys.SendWait( "%f" ); // send ALT+f SendKeys.SendWait( "x" ); // send x = exit // a confirmation dialog appears All this works just as expected, but now after I've sent ALT+f+x I get a "Do

How to start an internationalized WPF-Project in SharpDevelop 4.2?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-11-29 23:18:58
问题 I want to create a Software, where the User can choose between several Languages. As a start i want to learn how to handle Internationalization, since i have never done that before. As IDE i use SharpDevelop or #develop, however you would spell it. I want to use C# and WPF, since i'm also learning XAML/WPF at the moment. So i create a new WPF-Project in ShardDevelop. On the Main Window i create a ComboBox and a TextBlock. The ComboBox get's two Entries: "German" and "English". The textBlock

How to develop a Microsoft Office AddIn without Visual Studio

十年热恋 提交于 2019-11-29 20:41:48
I'm trying to develop an MS Office Addin in C# .Net and I don't have access to Visual Studio. Instead I'm using SharpDevelop as my IDE, (but my question is equally relevant to anyone developing using any other IDE or compiling from the command line...) I've done a bit of searching for guides on how to develop AddIns, but they all seem to require Visual Studio and follow these steps: Install the Interop Assemblies Create a Visual Studio .Net Project ( I'm unable to do this bit ) Extend the VS ThisAddIn template What I've managed to do is to: Install the Interop Assemblies Create a C# empty

AvalonEdit WPF TextEditor (SharpDevelop): How to highlight a specific range of text?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-29 10:10:59
问题 The incredibly awesome AvalonEdit WPF TextEditor control seems to lack an important feature, or at least i can't figure it out. Given an offset and a length, highlight that portion in the TextDocument with a HighlightColor . Simple, right? Apprentely not. I've RTFM, and the documentation on "Syntax Highlighting" confused me even more. Someone else asked the same question in the SharpDevelop forums, and i'm afraid i can't make sense of Herr Grunwald's answer. Here's my attempt, using the

How Convert VB Project to C# Project [closed]

前提是你 提交于 2019-11-28 16:09:28
I have a project written in VB, and I need to convert the whole project to C# project. I don't want to do it file by file, I found some online converters, but they convert only lines of codes, not the whole project. I found on researches, and here was written that I saw this question , there was written that "The best part about Sharpdevelop is it converts the whole project (source files) from VB and C# and the other way" And I also researched on Google, that if you Right Click on the project, I found here , that "Right click on the project in the Projects window and select Convert - From VB

How Convert VB Project to C# Project [closed]

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-11-27 09:35:16
问题 I have a project written in VB, and I need to convert the whole project to C# project. I don't want to do it file by file, I found some online converters, but they convert only lines of codes, not the whole project. I found on researches, and here was written that I saw this question , there was written that "The best part about Sharpdevelop is it converts the whole project (source files) from VB and C# and the other way" And I also researched on Google, that if you Right Click on the project

Unable to connect to any of the specified mysql hosts. C# MySQL

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-26 11:11:21
问题 I am getting the above error when I execute the code - MySqlConnection mysqlConn=new MySqlConnection(\"server=;uid=pankaj;port=3306;pwd=master;database=patholabs;\"); mysqlConn.Open(); I have tried setting server to localhost, user to root but I get the following error- Error: 0 : Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. System.Transactions Critical: 0 : <TraceRecord xmlns=\"\" Severity=\"Critical\">