
Docker private registry using selfsigned certificates

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-06 05:56:12
问题 I want to run a private docker registry which is widely available. So I will be able to push and pull images from other servers. I'm following this tutorials: doc1 & doc2 I performed 3 steps: First I've created my certificate and key (as CNAME I filled in my ec2-hostname) mkdir -p certs && openssl req \ -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout certs/domain.key \ -x509 -days 365 -out certs/domain.crt Than I've created my docker registry, using this key. docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart

Python 3 urllib with self-signed certificates

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-06 04:16:33
I'm attempting to download some data from an internal server using Python. Since it's internal, it uses a self-signed certificate. (We don't want to pay Verisign for servers that will never appear "in the wild.") The Python 2.6 version of the code worked fine. response = urllib2.urlopen(URL) data = csv.reader(response) I'm now trying to update to Python 3.4 (long story, don't ask.) However, using Python 3's urllib fails: response = urllib.request.urlopen(URL) It throws a CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error. urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify

Android application with SSL

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-05 15:27:13
I know that this particular topic was asked many times, but unfortunately in my case none of them are working. For past few days I was trying to get it to functional state, but I failed every time, so I finally come here to ask. I have a webservice on server with self-signed certificate. I can access wsdl file if I enter address into browser. Browser just remind me, that there is some issues with cert. and if I hit continue, everything works. Sadly I know very little about SSL, because its first time I made an application with SSL communication. In application I'll only get exception "No peer

SSL Localhost Privacy error

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-05 12:29:41
I setup ssl on localhost (wamp), I made the ssl crt with GnuWIn32. When I try to login with fb in Chrome I get the following message: URL: https://localhost/ServerSide/fb-callback.php?code=.....#_=_ Error: Your connection is not private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information from localhost (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID. localhost normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Chrome tried to connect to localhost this time, the website sent back unusual and incorrect credentials. This may happen when an attacker is trying to

CORS request did not succeed on Firefox but works on Chrome

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-05 09:56:15
I'm making CORS requests from to APIs served on by lighttpd server. Lighttpd has CORS enabled with the following response headers but the OPTIONS request does not go through on Firefox. setenv.add-response-header = ( "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*" (tried too), "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" => "accept, origin, x-requested-with, content-type, x-transmission-session-id, x-ida-auth-token, content-disposition", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" => "X-Transmission-Session-Id", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" => "GET

Cannot connect via SSL using self signed certificate on Android 7 and above

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-05 08:03:19
问题 I am using standard way to connect to SSL server with self signed certificate described here: for the "Unknown certificate authority". Everything works up to the Android 7. On Android 7 and above I am getting Certificate exception with the message: " Trust anchor for certification path not found." The only thing I managed to do is to create an "empty" X509TrustManager which accepts

android mapview not working

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-05 07:22:47
问题 This is killing me!!! I seem to have done all I need to do but it just wont work! here is what i did: -created a keystore using keytool: $ keytool -genkey -v -keystore PADReleaseKey.keystore -alias pocket_aces_release -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -got the MD5 fingerpring from it and used: $ keytool -list -alias pocket_aces_release PADReleaseKey.keystore -used it to get the mapAPI key and embedded it inside my application: < android:layout_weight="1"

Java 1.7.51 internet restrictions for applets

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-05 01:22:08
问题 In the previous months I developed a sandbox Java applet for an academic project. I wasn't able to sign it with a trusted Certificate Authority because of the restricted budget. With the release of Java 1.7.51 I found that the new security restrictions forbid the execution of the applet, because of the lack of signature. Until now, I have found two rough solutions to this problem: ask the user to include the applet page on his/her exception lists; ask the user to set the Java security level

Spring RestTemplate I/O error: No peer certificate

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-04 20:39:43
I always get the same error whens try to get a https resource: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error: No peer certificate; nested exception is No peer certificate I have a self-signed virtual host where my app runs, the app works fine on http but I need https . Here is my code in android app: mRestTemplate = new RestTemplate(); mRestTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new GsonHttpMessageConverter()); mRestTemplate.setRequestFactory(new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory()); final ResponseObject responseObject =

How to use self-signed SSL in android network library (ION)?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-04 19:20:38
问题 Using this network library: As the current status is development, I would like to use self-signed SSL cert The library forum has some discussion: Ion ion = Ion.getDefault(c); ion.configure().createSSLContext("TLS"); ion.getHttpClient().getSSLSocketMiddleware().setSSLContext(sslContext); ion.getHttpClient().getSSLSocketMiddleware().setTrustManagers(trustManagers); After some studies , I have grab the crt and getting sslContext