前写天安装ROR环境的时候,重启系统开启一个shell使用命令 rails -v 显示rails尚未安装 但是安装aptana之后在aptana里面打开控制台就可以正常显示版本,应该是aptana自动加载了路径和函数吧 昨天看《RailsStutorial2》里面推荐了 https://github.com/perfectionist/sample_project/wiki 的开发简例 正好里面有较为详细的环境配置教程(比国内那些配置教程有用的信息要多的多)就发现了加载路径和函数的方法: Setup PATH and define rvm function. To use rvm just type source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm into open shells, this creates the rvm function and adds various ~/.rvm/... directories to PATH. You can also add this line to your ~/.bashrc file so it takes affect for all new shells. I was going to use a slightly different approach so I defined an alias use_rvm=