
rich dataTable can not use iterate variable for a nested loop

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-01 06:08:05
问题 I'm building a rich datatable with a dynamic amount of columns. It seems to me, that it is not a big thing, but I'm trying to get an answer since hours. The issue is when I want to use the iteration variable from the datatable for a nested loop. In the nested loop I try to create for every row the same dynamic amount of columns. Probably it becomes more clear when I show some code: <rich:dataTable styleClass="waiDataTable" width="700" rowClasses="odd,even" value="#{reportingModel

richfaces suggestionBox passing additional values to backing bean

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-01 05:57:09
When using the RichFaces suggestionBox how can you pass more than one id or value from the page with the text input to the suggestionBox backing bean. ie: to show a list of suggested cities within a selected state? Here is my autoComplete method. public List< Suburb > autocomplete(Object suggest) { String pref = (String) suggest; ArrayList< Suburb > result = new ArrayList< Suburb >(); Iterator< Suburb > iterator = getSuburbs().iterator(); while( iterator.hasNext() ) { Suburb elem = ((Suburb); if( (elem.getName() != null && elem.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf( pref.toLowerCase

Dynamic columns with richfaces 4

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-01 05:56:01
I need dynamic number of columns. Richfaces supplies it with <rich:columns> in richfaces 3.3.3-final but for Richfaces 4 they seem to recommend <c:forEach> . c:forEach I can't get it to work properly.Since I can't depend on the var from the datatable I can't figure out how to feed <c:forEach> with the correct list of columns. (Each row has their own values but headers are the same) Basically the data I want to display is a list with rows of x size, each row has a list of column values with y size. But how can have <c:forEach> tell the backing bean what row it's at so I can feed the correct

Richfaces 4 components don't render

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-01 04:19:56
问题 The problem I have is that jsf tags are not being parsed, so I'm not seeing richfaces components in my pages. I'm using richfaces 4, tomcat 7, and jsf 2.0 This is my faces-config.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <faces-config xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.0"> </faces-config> web.xml <?xml version

richfaces suggestionBox passing additional values to backing bean

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-01 03:56:41
问题 When using the RichFaces suggestionBox how can you pass more than one id or value from the page with the text input to the suggestionBox backing bean. ie: to show a list of suggested cities within a selected state? Here is my autoComplete method. public List< Suburb > autocomplete(Object suggest) { String pref = (String) suggest; ArrayList< Suburb > result = new ArrayList< Suburb >(); Iterator< Suburb > iterator = getSuburbs().iterator(); while( iterator.hasNext() ) { Suburb elem = ((Suburb)

Dynamic columns with richfaces 4

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-01 03:45:44
问题 I need dynamic number of columns. Richfaces supplies it with <rich:columns> in richfaces 3.3.3-final but for Richfaces 4 they seem to recommend <c:forEach> . c:forEach I can't get it to work properly.Since I can't depend on the var from the datatable I can't figure out how to feed <c:forEach> with the correct list of columns. (Each row has their own values but headers are the same) Basically the data I want to display is a list with rows of x size, each row has a list of column values with y

JSF view getting rebuild on each ajax request

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-01 03:07:51
I'm having a performance problem with my JSF/RichFaces/Facelets ajax requests and from what I can tell its because the entire component tree is being rebuild on each ajax request. This is happening even if I use ajaxSingle=true, wrap sections in a4j:region, declare a single section for rerendering or none at all. Our page is a dynamic page with many nested levels. The page may contain around 800-900 fields (inputText, rich calendars, selectOneMenus, etc). The initial load time is an issue, but I understand that issue, its a lot of fields. Once we have that initial build/render time though we

a4j:support tag not found using JSF 2

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-11-30 20:14:47
just trying to integrate this commandLink <a4j:commandLink reRender="results-view" actionListener="#{myaction}" oncomplete="return false;" value="#{msg1.advanced_search}"> <a4j:support event="onclick"> <f:setPropertyActionListener value="./page.xhtml" target="#{changeViews['new-view'].value}" /> </a4j:support> </a4j:commandLink> On an applicacion which is using JSF2. If I leave it, I get this error Tag Library supports namespace: , but no tag was defined for name: support I was trying to find something on the net, but I couldn't figure out. Some help would be great.

Can Jetty be used as a Java EE lightweight application server?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-11-30 14:47:11
In the scope of deploying small Java EE web applications at various client sites, I am searching for an easy application server solution. I think I remember hearing that it was possible to use Jetty as a JavaEE 6 lightweight application server but I can't seem to find more evidence on this right now on the web. Knowing that my development environment is JSF2 + RichFaces, CDI (Weld) and JPA 2 => NO EJBs at this point), is Jetty a possible solution for me? If yes, could you point me to some docmentation or specific keywords helping me? If no, what other lightweight Java EE 6 application server

checks for constraint violation before persisting an entity

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-11-30 14:42:01
问题 What is the best mechanism for preventing constraint violation checks before creation | modification of an entity? Suppose if the 'User' entity has 'loginid' as the unique constraint, would it be wise to check if there is an user entry already with this loginid name before creation or modification. OR Would you let the database throw an ConstraintViolationException and handle this message appropriately in the UI layer. Where should such checks be enforced in the jboss seam framework. Note: