
Exclude some files on svn command line commit (not svn:ignore)

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-01-21 10:45:10
问题 I'm developing with many people. I check out remote repository, get 3 file. After edit, run: svn status It shows: M file_1 M file_2 M file_3 Now, I want to commit only two file: file_1, file_2, but not file_3. How to do it? I dont' want to use svn revert file_3 before commit. Explain: I edit file_1, file_2 for shared project, file_3 for running on only my local machine. 回答1: How about: $ svn commit file_1 file_2 回答2: Expanding upon zoul's answer.. to develop your list of files use: svn stat |

Why Subversion skips files which contain the @ symbol?

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-11 17:16:19
问题 when I try to execute command like this (from a command-line or Perl script - it doesn't matter): svn revert "build\myfile@test.meta" SVN skips this file and outputs: Skipped 'build\myfile' I tried doing: svn revert "build\*.meta" But it gives the same result. I can revert these files from the GUI. And I can revert these files by doing (but it reverts more than I want): svn revert --recursive "build" Is there a workaround for this? 回答1: The @ sign in filenames in Subversion actually has a

Why Subversion skips files which contain the @ symbol?

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-01-11 17:16:00
问题 when I try to execute command like this (from a command-line or Perl script - it doesn't matter): svn revert "build\myfile@test.meta" SVN skips this file and outputs: Skipped 'build\myfile' I tried doing: svn revert "build\*.meta" But it gives the same result. I can revert these files from the GUI. And I can revert these files by doing (but it reverts more than I want): svn revert --recursive "build" Is there a workaround for this? 回答1: The @ sign in filenames in Subversion actually has a

Subversion reverting resolved file

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-01-04 05:55:50
问题 If I was to make an error in a file that I have marked resolved is there a way to go back to having the file in it's original conflicted state without reverting all changes and reattempting the merge? 回答1: No, there is no automatic way to do that. If you want to be able to do that, you'll have to manually back up the .mine file ahead of time so that you can get it back if needed. 来源:

Subversion reverting resolved file

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-04 05:55:09
问题 If I was to make an error in a file that I have marked resolved is there a way to go back to having the file in it's original conflicted state without reverting all changes and reattempting the merge? 回答1: No, there is no automatic way to do that. If you want to be able to do that, you'll have to manually back up the .mine file ahead of time so that you can get it back if needed. 来源:

GitHub - How to revert changes to previous state

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-31 08:05:43
问题 I am using GitHub as my remote repository. I have already pushed 5 commits to the server and want to revert back to the state before the those commits. If the commit hash is 3425661dba2aadccdbab , how do I revert the entire local/remote back to that commit? I tried $ reset --hard 3425661dba2aadccdbab but that only resetted my working head to that branch and requires me to do a git pull again. I tried checkout, but this caused me to land in a "detached head" branch. 回答1: You basically have two

Revert changes to a file in a commit

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-29 02:21:12
问题 I want to revert changes made by a particular commit to a given file only. Can I use git revert command for that? Any other simple way to do it? 回答1: The cleanest way I've seen of doing this is described here git show some_commit_sha1 -- some_file.c | git apply -R Similar to VonC's response but using git show and git apply . 回答2: Assuming it is ok to change the commit history, here's a workflow to revert changes in a single file in an earlier commit: For example, you want to revert changes in

Going back to previous commit in SourceTree

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-23 13:00:58
问题 I am new to Git, and I was trying to revert back to a previous commit in SourceTree. I right clicked on the commit I was going to revert to and then clicked checkout. It gave me a prompt saying that my working copy would become a detached head. What does this mean and is this something I should avoid? 回答1: As Per Git-Tower's Article : What's a "detached HEAD" in Git? Understanding how "checkout" works With the "git checkout" command, you determine which revision of your project you want to

REST - revertable DELETE

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-22 04:29:33
问题 I have a question about HTTP DELETE and REST. I have a resource x . Depending on the state of x , deletion of x does either: Delete x permanently. Mark x as deleted. This means that x can reverted later on. I assume that HTTP DELETE must delete the resource according to the HTTP/REST specifics, instead of marking it as deleted, for example: GET on x must return 404 after the HTTP DELETE has been processed. This means that HTTP DELETE cannot be used for the second situation. How would you

hg: How do I revert (a single file) several commits back?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-21 21:24:55
问题 The closest answer is this one, and here's a line from it: hg revert -r <oneRevBack> fileName The last thing is to get <oneRevBack> other than using hash. I would dream of just typing <-1> . 回答1: The hg syntax for "one rev back" is tip^ , where tip is the latest revision and ^ means "parent". If your working directory is not at tip, use .^ , where the dot means "current revision". 来源: