
VS2013 IntelliSense overlapping ReSharper's one

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-01-03 04:19:38
问题 After installing ReSharper I've noticed a problem with the IntelliSense; In the image it is clearly visible that the IntelliSense of Visual Studio is displayed over the one of ReSharper (which by the way has the focus, so using the arrow keys will move the highlight section of the completion list below). I've tried to do several things without any result (always with VS restart): Switch from ReSharper IntelliSense to VS (back and forth) Limit ReSharper IntelliSense to some selected languages

How do I create a `ITypeElement` with represents a closed generic type in a ReSharper plugin?

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-13 02:35:15
问题 I'm using the ReSharper 8 sdk and want to find all inheritors of a particular generic interface, where the generic type is a particular type. I have asked a more general question which got most of the way there, but I am only able to find any implementation of ICommandHandler<T> and not the one implementation I want, ICommandHandler<TestCommand> this is the code I have: foreach (var psiModule in declaredElement.GetPsiServices().Modules.GetModules()) { IDeclaredType genericType = TypeFactory

Resharper: Ambiguous Invocation

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-11 13:25:45
问题 Using Resharper I get the following message: Ambiguous InvocationSolution ITicket.sln Project ITicket ITicket\frmMainTicket.cs:530 Ambiguous invocation: void DisableAllFields() (in class frmMainTicket) void DisableAllFields() (in class frmMainTicket) match I am new to coding and could use a little help. If I understand this correctly it is basically saying that I am calling a method and it is unsure what method I should use? I have never used Resharper before. Maybe I am confused on what

Resharper moving top brace next to if statement. How to have on new line?

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-10 16:12:50
问题 My Resharper 8 is auto formatting on the end brace. The top brace moves to the end of the IF statement line. How can I have it format to the next line. Starting statement if (condition) { var x = new foo(); } When the bottom brace is removed and retyped this is the result. The top brace moves to the end of the line above. if (condition) { var x = new foo(); } The desired result is the initial starting statement. How can I change the options in R#8 to fix this? I have tried changing options in

Resharper cannot rename files when Git version control is applied

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-10 04:52:53
问题 I have a Git version controlled solution in VS 2013 with several projects. Some of the projects are outside of the solution folder and thus are not controlled by Git. I noticed that for those projects that are outside of the solution folder Resharper 8 class name refactoring fails with the 'file is read-only' error. It also fails to apply "Rename file to match the class name" command. All works fine for the projects that are IN the solution folder and are controlled by Git. Is this a known

How do you reference external libraries with Jasmine + Resharper

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-10 03:19:21
问题 I can run Jasmine unit tests from the Resharper 8.0 unit test runner. I have a problem where any Javascript references that are normally in the html page (ie in my case Ext-Js) then I can't use the Resharper test runner, as you don't seem to have access to the HTML page that Resharper uses. (I assume it's generated as I could not locate it on disk) I was thinking if there is a way to call or load your external library references from the Javascript test file directly instead of via the html

JetBrains Resharper 9 Ultimate Test Runner error: NUnit.Core.UnsupportedFrameworkException: Skipped loading assembly {MyAssembly}

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-09 02:10:39
问题 This seems to be an error with the JetBrains Resharper 9.1 Ultimate Test Runner referencing an older version of NUnit. I am using NUnit 3.0 in my assembly. [Window Title] Unit Test Runner [Main Instruction] Unit Test Runner failed to run tests [Expanded Information] at NUnit.Core.Builders.TestAssemblyBuilder.GetCandidateFixtureTypes(Assembly assembly, String ns) at NUnit.Core.Builders.TestAssemblyBuilder.GetFixtures(Assembly assembly, String ns) at NUnit.Core.Builders.TestAssemblyBuilder

Resharper vs2013 CTRL+Click not working

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-08 17:14:04
问题 I have installed reshaper 8.1.23 and visual studio 2013 update 1. I'd like to navigate to assembly when I hold Ctrl + click. for example holding Ctrl on IdentityUser class and Click should bring IdentityUser class but nothing happen. I also have done what has mentioned here Resharper Navigate to MVC View but with no success. when i press f12 it goes to the desired class but in previous version of resharper it was done by resharper. 回答1: Without additional information, I think what happened is

VS2013 IntelliSense overlapping ReSharper's one

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-08 08:44:24
After installing ReSharper I've noticed a problem with the IntelliSense; In the image it is clearly visible that the IntelliSense of Visual Studio is displayed over the one of ReSharper (which by the way has the focus, so using the arrow keys will move the highlight section of the completion list below). I've tried to do several things without any result (always with VS restart): Switch from ReSharper IntelliSense to VS (back and forth) Limit ReSharper IntelliSense to some selected languages (i.e. C#) Completely disable VS IntelliSense ('Tools | Options | Text Editor | All languages' and

Disable just the switch snippet in resharper 8 (c#)

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-06 05:02:32
问题 I find that the default VS 2013 switch snippet works a lot better than the one from resharper. any way to just disabe that? 回答1: I see a couple of ways to get this: With ReSharper IntelliSense Uncheck 'switch' here: ReSharper | Templates Explorer | Live Templates | C#; Type 'switch' in code editor; Hit 'Esc' to hide IntelliSense popup; Hit 'Tab' to insert VS "switch" code snippet. With VS IntelliSense Uncheck 'switch' here: ReSharper | Templates Explorer | Live Templates | C# Select 'Visual