Resharper moving top brace next to if statement. How to have on new line?

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-10 16:12:50


My Resharper 8 is auto formatting on the end brace. The top brace moves to the end of the IF statement line. How can I have it format to the next line.

Starting statement

if (condition)
    var x = new foo();

When the bottom brace is removed and retyped this is the result. The top brace moves to the end of the line above.

if (condition) {
    var x = new foo();

The desired result is the initial starting statement.

How can I change the options in R#8 to fix this? I have tried changing options in the C# / Formatting / Braces layout options.


I found it. Under Formatting Style --> Line Breaks and Wrapping --> Preserve Existing Formatting, change "Break line in a block with a single statement" to "break line".

