Disable just the switch snippet in resharper 8 (c#)

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-06 05:02:32


I find that the default VS 2013 switch snippet works a lot better than the one from resharper. any way to just disabe that?


I see a couple of ways to get this:

  1. With ReSharper IntelliSense

    • Uncheck 'switch' here: ReSharper | Templates Explorer | Live Templates | C#;

    • Type 'switch' in code editor;

    • Hit 'Esc' to hide IntelliSense popup;

    • Hit 'Tab' to insert VS "switch" code snippet.

  2. With VS IntelliSense

    • Uncheck 'switch' here: ReSharper | Templates Explorer | Live Templates | C#

    • Select 'Visual Studio' here: ReSharper | Options | Environment | IntelliSense | General;

    • Apply this to enable VS IntelliSense;

    • Type 'switch' in code editor;

    • Hit 'Tab' twice to insert VS "switch" code snippet.


I keep forgetting that extra "Hit 'Esc' to hide IntelliSense popup;" step :P

