Resharper vs2013 CTRL+Click not working

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-08 17:14:04


I have installed reshaper 8.1.23 and visual studio 2013 update 1.

I'd like to navigate to assembly when I hold Ctrl + click. for example holding Ctrl on IdentityUser class and Click should bring IdentityUser class but nothing happen. I also have done what has mentioned here Resharper Navigate to MVC View but with no success. when i press f12 it goes to the desired class but in previous version of resharper it was done by resharper.


Without additional information, I think what happened is that Productivity Power Tools taken over your Ctrl-Click action. You could turn it off from Tools - Options - Productivity Power Tools, and disable Ctrl + Click to Peek Definition. This should make Ctrl-Click be used by ReSharper again, and it will navigate to decompiled code when source is not available.


What worked for me was going into ReSharper -> Options -> Keyboard & Menus and re-applying my keyboard-scheme:


There might be a bug with this version of resharper. This post explains which version you should download in order for it to work. It's consistent with what I've encounterd when I was using resharper 8.1

