
How to render a react component on any other page other than index.html

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-08 07:31:20
问题 I created a basic react app with npx create-react-app I can create components in the index.js and I'm able to render them to an element in the index.html . However that's the only page I can render them too, I can't for example use the same component on the login.html page or any other page other than index.html I'm testing this with npm start . 回答1: Commonly React is used for single page applications, so you just render the app in a single page, then use routing (with react-router commonly)

Create a bidirectional repeating/looping infinite scrollView in react native

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-06 05:30:51
I want to create a scroll that repeats itself, again and again, i.e. when I keep scrolling to the top I reach the last row and when I scroll to the bottom I reach the first row again. I have tried searching components for the same, but the best I could find were these - react-native-infinite-scroll and this stackoverflow answer but both of them only tell about how can I load more data when I reach the ScrollView or ListView end. I searched a lot for this type component but couldn't find any, so I created my own component from scratch using FlatList, and also published it to npm , so anyone can

React - Dynamically Import Components

旧时模样 提交于 2019-11-27 02:42:07
问题 I have a page which renders different components based on user input. At the moment, I have hard coded the imports for each component as shown below: import React, { Component } from 'react' import Component1 from './Component1' import Component2 from './Component2' import Component3 from './Component3' class Main extends Component { render() { var components = { 'Component1': Component1, 'Component2': Component2, 'Component3': Component3 }; var type = 'Component1'; // just an example var

How to add custom html attributes in JSX

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-27 01:39:32
There are different reasons behind it, but I wonder how to simply add custom attributes to an element in JSX? EDIT: Updated to reflect React 16 Custom attributes are supported natively in React 16. This means that adding a custom attribute to an element is now as simple as adding it to a render function, like so: render() { return ( <div custom-attribute="some-value" /> ); } For more: Previous answer (React 15 and earlier)