

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-10 14:44:53
在JavaWeb企业级应用中,接口是一个很常见的功能模块。此处不讨论如下问题(请自行搜索): 接口是什么 为什么要使用接口 ..... 一般的接口代码中会有如下代码片段(此处省略接收参数、处理异常请求等功能代码): PrintWriter writer = null; try { writer = response.getWriter(); String msg = "<xml><msg>hahah</msg><createAt>" +System.currentTimeMillis()+"</createAt></xml>"; writer.print(msg); writer.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } 很简单,如上代码将msg的内容响应给请求者,请求者将获取到msg的内容。 几天前遇到一个问题,要在Struts2框架中使用拦截器,来截取请求报文与响应报文。(个人认为该功能应该由核心处理器去统一完成。)不论能否实现,且试一下。 上面的代码中很明显将一个字符串放在response里响应给请求者。那我们能不能在这里做文章呢。 Debug一下writer的值看能不能有什么线索。

BufferedReader then write to txt file?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-10 13:11:58
问题 Is it possible to use BufferedReader to read from a text file, and then while buffered reader is reading, at the same time it also storing the lines it read to another txt file using PrintWriter? 回答1: If you use Java 7 and want to copy one file directly into another, it is as simple as: final Path src = Paths.get(...); final Path dst = Paths.get(...); Files.copy(src, dst); If you want to read line by line and write again, grab src and dst the same way as above, then do: final BufferedReader

Writing from Java to an XML document - Simple

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-10 10:05:10
问题 I know there's tons of questions on writing from Java to XML on stackoverflow, but it's all too complex. I feel I have a very simple problem that I just can't figure out. So I have a program that takes a bunch of user input and I have it currently creating and appending a text document with the results. I'll just post my writer code here: PrintWriter out = null; try { out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("C:/Documents and Settings/blank/My Documents/test/test.txt", true)));


牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-09 21:04:19
使用Java的Socket实现客户端和服务器端之间的连接,实现客户端重复发送数据到服务器端的功能。即,用户可以在控制台不断输入内容,并将内容逐一发送给服务端。并在服务端显示。 socket定义 网络上的两个程序通过一个双向的通信连接实现数据的交换,这个连接的一端称为一个socket。 建立网络通信连接至少要一对端口号(socket)。socket本质是编程接口(API),对TCP/IP的封装,TCP/IP也要提供可供程序员做网络开发所用的接口,这就是Socket编程接口;HTTP是轿车,提供了封装或者显示数据的具体形式;Socket是发动机,提供了网络通信的能力。 Socket的英文原义是"孔"或"插座"。作为BSD UNIX的进程通信机制,取后一种意思。通常也称作"套接字",用于描述IP地址和端口,是一个通信链的句柄,可以用来实现不同虚拟机或不同计算机之间的通信。在Internet上的主机一般运行了多个服务软件,同时提供几种服务。每种服务都打开一个Socket,并绑定到一个端口上,不同的端口对应于不同的服务。Socket正如其英文原义那样,像一个多孔插座。一台主机犹如布满各种插座的房间,每个插座有一个编号,有的插座提供220伏交流电, 有的提供110伏交流电,有的则提供有线电视节目。 客户软件将插头插到不同编号的插座,就可以得到不同的服务。 简单来说

Java server-client readLine() method

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-08 00:25:45
问题 I have a client class and a server class. If client sends message to server, server will send response back to the client, then client will print all the messages it received. For example, If Client sends "A" to Server, then Server will send response to client "1111". So I use readLine() in client class to read the message from server, then client print "1111" in the console. If Client sends "B" to Server, then Server will send response to client "2222\n 3333". So the expected printing output

java PrintWriter cannot be resolved

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-07 09:10:02
问题 I have no idea why I get the message "cannot be resolved" on out in eclipse on the 11th line import*; public class driver { public static void main(String[] args) { try { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("output.txt"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.print("file not found"); e.printStackTrace(); } out.print("hello"); out.close(); } } OK so now I have this import*; public class driver { public static void main(String[] args) { PrintWriter out = null; try { out

Java: Why don't the PrintWriter or PrintStream classes throw exception? [duplicate]

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-07 06:47:41
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: PrintWriter and PrintStream never throw IOExceptions Maybe the question is a bit "strange". But i'm curious to know why both PrintWriter and PrintStream don't check automatically runtime exceptions , and they provides a checkError() method. Thanks to all in advance. 回答1: For PrintStream which is often writing to std out or err, these stream might have been closed or discarded but you don't want the program to


社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-06 14:12:06
要点提示:使用Scanner类来读取文本数据,使用PrintWriter类写文本数据。   File对象封装了文件或路径属性,但是不包含从/向文件读/写数据的方法。为了进行I/O操作,需要使用正确的javaI/O类创建对象。这些对象包含从/向文件中读/写数据的方法。例如为了将文本写入一个名为temp.txt的文件中,可以使用PrintWriter类按如下操作创建一个对象。   PringWriter op = new PrintWriter("temp.txt");   op.print("java 101");   op.close();   java有许多操作各种类目的I/O类。通常,可以将它们分为输入类和输出类。输入类包含读数据的方法,输出类包含写数据的方法。PrintWriter是一个输出类的例子,而Scanner是一个输入类的例子。下面代码为temp.txt创建一个输入对象,并从该文件中读取数据:   Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File("temp.txt"));   System.out.print(sc.nextLine()); 如果文件temp.txt包含java 101,那个sc.nextLine()方法就会返回“java 101”。   输入对象从文件中读取数据流,输出对象将数据流写入文件。输入对象也称为输入流,同样


 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-06 12:14:48
实验题目链接: Java第09次实验(IO流) 0. 字节流与二进制文件 我的代码 package; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Experiment { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { FileOutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream(""); FileInputStream inFile = new FileInputStream(""); try (DataOutputStream dataOutput = new DataOutputStream(outFile); DataInputStream dataInput = new DataInputStream

Java server-client readLine() method

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-06 06:46:03
I have a client class and a server class. If client sends message to server, server will send response back to the client, then client will print all the messages it received. For example, If Client sends "A" to Server, then Server will send response to client "1111". So I use readLine() in client class to read the message from server, then client print "1111" in the console. If Client sends "B" to Server, then Server will send response to client "2222\n 3333". So the expected printing output from client is: "2222" "3333" So the response message from server to client may have 1 line or 2 lines