
what is the meaning of morpheus in portal level and skin level

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-10 10:19:19
问题 Can anyone explain the use of the Morpheus portal and skin in Sakai? What I mean to ask is, how do I enable those things and what are the differences to the neo skin and neo portal code in Sakai? Thanks in advance. 回答1: Morpheus (Mobile Optimized Responsive Portal for Higher Education Using Sass) is the new responsive design portal (the primary UI) which will be available in Sakai 11 (and is in a preview state for Sakai 10). The neo portal is the portal which was developed and released for

Uploading files to Liferay server

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-08 10:32:16
问题 I'm using Liferay 6.2 CE and I would like to add a simple functionality in which administrator can upload files to liferay server and add hyperlink to this file on the page. I've found in Liferay's 6.1 documentation that in that version administrator could just create a data list and add File Upload field there as shown below: Unfortunately in Liferay 6.2 this field doesn't exist (I'm confused here what's the reason): I also saw that during new blog post creation, there is this HTML in

无线热点登陆认证原理探究---captive portal 什么是Captive Portal

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-06 16:22:13
什么是Captive Portal 大家肯定都连过公共场所的wifi热点,比如麦当劳等地方的。他们的wifi往往一连上去就会弹出一个要求登录或者微信关注之类的页面,只有在这个页面完成操作了才能正常访问网络的。之前看到这个很神奇,为什么一连wifi,手机就会自动打开这个网页的,就知道android系统应该是提供了一些接口的。最近接触到这个,查了一下才知道这个东西叫做“captive portal”,就是专门用来给后端的网关提供鉴权计费之类的服务的。很多公共场合的wifi热点应该都用了这么一个技术,比如酒店,商场,银行等等。 Apple的Captive Network Assistant 发送一个HTTP/1.0的请求到 http://www. apple.com/library/test/ success.html 接收一个回应,如果回应跟它预计的结果一致,那么认为网络是通的,就不会自动弹出页面。同时,状态栏的WIFI图标出现。流程结束。否则,进入下一步。 如果收到的回应不是它想要的那个,它就认为有CWP存在。 如果有CWP存在,iOS就会自动打开一个页面,在这个页面中再请求一次 http://www. apple.com/library/test/ success.html ,这一次使用的是HTTP/1.1。 然后就可以打开Login页面了。 1.一个通常的认证流程是什么样的


醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-06 08:45:09
最近有个任务,就是要做一个像Igoogle一样可以拖拽的页面,然后开发一些小控件,可以动态维护和布局。之前没有接触过,感觉可能就是些JS,外加两张表存储控件位置,觉得应该还能实现,就试着做了下,因为之前听说过Portal这个名词,于是就本是遵循规范、借鉴开源、不重复造轮子的原则,在网上搜搜Portal相应规范和开源实现,开始了我的实现之路。在浪费了近一个月时间的仍希望渺茫的时候,接触到了OpenSocial,才终于完成了任务。 (一)Portal Portal一词中文翻译为门户,是基于Web的应用,通常提供个性化,单点登录,整合不同资源的综合信息展示平台。Portal展现在最终用户面前的是类似于Web网页的Portal页面。 构成Portal页面的是能够建立和展现不同内容的一系列Portlet。Portlet处理从Portal传递来的用户请求,动态生成输出内容的一个片段,展现在Portal页面的某个位置上。 下图显示了Portal服务器、Portlet容器以及Portlet之间的关系。 Portlet是一个符合JSR168标准的类,是运行于Portal上的真正代表业务逻辑的部件,负责展现内容、处理请求。在Portal搭建好后,主要的工作就是根据业务要求开发Portlet了。 在部署Portlet到一个Portal时,除需要将逻辑代码拷贝过去外,还需要定义一个portlet

AD sync with Liferay

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-06 07:34:26
We have a portal hosted at our side on Liferay and a Active Directory is in sync through LDAP with Liferay. The problem which we are facing is that when the user gets deleted from the AD it neither gets deactivated nor deleted from Liferay. I want the user to be deactivated not deleted from Liferay when deleted from the AD. Although Liferay strongly discourages to deactivate/delete the user when the user is deleted from the AD as there may be dependencies on other user, sites or organisations or unexpected behavior which may be caused. I checked all the required fields which are necessary for

what is the difference between portal and myportal in websphere portal server

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-06 01:52:39
I'm using websphere portal server and what is the difference between /wps/portal and /wps/myportal in websphere portal server /wps/portal is for anonymous context and is used for public resources, whereas /wps/myportal is used for authenticated and authorized resources. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17213844/what-is-the-difference-between-portal-and-myportal-in-websphere-portal-server

what is the meaning of morpheus in portal level and skin level

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-05 21:44:40
Can anyone explain the use of the Morpheus portal and skin in Sakai? What I mean to ask is, how do I enable those things and what are the differences to the neo skin and neo portal code in Sakai? Thanks in advance. Morpheus (Mobile Optimized Responsive Portal for Higher Education Using Sass) is the new responsive design portal (the primary UI) which will be available in Sakai 11 (and is in a preview state for Sakai 10). The neo portal is the portal which was developed and released for Sakai 2.9. Before that the portal was known as the Charon portal. If you want to test it you should really be

What does a portlet bridge do?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-05 15:27:04
In an interview today I mentioned that I had done some jsf work in a portlet. The interviewer asked for specifics on what the portlet-bridge does. I never looked into it all that much, just used it because I was told it would make jsf work in the portlet. All I could really say was that it allowed the requests to come from the portal to jsf in a way jsf would understand, and made it play nice. What exactly does the portlet-bridge do? From the spec linked by Jeremy Walton above. 2.1 What is a Portlet Bridge? The Java™ Portlet Specification defines a set of APIs for directly implementing a

ReactJs: Wrap Semantic UI Modal using Portal “pattern”

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-05 01:19:28
问题 I'm trying to wrap Semantic UI Modal component using portal approach described here Here is my take at it http://jsfiddle.net/mike_123/2wvfjpy9/ I'm running into issue though, when obtaining a DOM reference and Rendering new markup into it there seem to be old reference still maintained. render: function() { return <div className="ui modal"/>; <-- the idea at first was to only return <div/> }, ... React.render(<div > <----------- originally this element had className="ui modal", but this.node

Angular 学习笔记 (Material Dialog)

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-03 21:33:06
在学习 overlay 和 portal 的时候,一直没有弄明白 viewContainerRef 在其中扮演的角色 这里说一下来龙去脉 当我们创建一个 overlay 时,同时创建了一个 portal outlet 当我们要 append 内容时,内部其实时调用了 DomPortalOutlet 的 attachComponentPortal 方法 这时候会依据 portal <-- 传入的component portal,不是 portal outlet 哦,不要搞混了. 时候有 viewContainerRef 觉得如何创建 component. 如果有就时候 viewContainerRef create component 的方法这时会 insert component to container 渲染. 然后再通过 dom 操作 cut and paste 去 portal outlet (body)。 如果没有的话就直接通过 component factory create component 然后把 view 放入到全局 appRef 里面. 这时候组件并没有 append to dom 任何地方. 当 app.tick 时,所有的 view 就会 detech change. 然后 cut and paste to portal outlet. 2 者有什么区别呢