
Intranet website with Joomla?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-13 16:24:44
问题 my company wants to set up a small intranet portal on LAN. We are about 100 users at max. I am thinking about Joomla on a windows server environment with XAMPP. Just to be safe, is XAMPP efficient for serving about 50 to 100 users ? Does it have some connection limits ? Also how about using it as a webserver for a small intranet portal. Have your say guys. 回答1: XAMPP is "just" a collection of established applications for serving web pages. The underlaying apache can handle far more that the

“Created By” field in each record in Custom entity is showing “system” for each user

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-13 05:35:14
问题 I am working on a custom entity on dynamic 365. This entity is manipulated on Dynamic 365 Portal using web forms. Whenever I am creating a record in the entity, it is showing "System" in out of the box "Created By"column. Can anybody tell me what is the reason behind it? 回答1: As explained above, the owner of a record in CRM is a lookup field to systemuser entity. The portal user is actually a contact , therefor can not be assigned as record owner. 回答2: Owner, createdby, modifiedby = CRM Login

LAST_PATH Redirection in Custom Login Post Action in Liferay 7

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-13 03:42:11
问题 I'm implementing custom login in Liferay 7 - one module for login hook portlet and one for ActionCommand. I also generated class for post login event. The problem is redirection won't work on either this class or on JSP of login hook porlet. This is my code for LifecycleAction: @Component( immediate = true, property = { "key=login.events.post" }, service = LifecycleAction.class ) public class UserLoginPostAction implements LifecycleAction { private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactoryUtil

Liferay ClassNotFoundException: DLFileEntryImpl

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-12 09:45:45
问题 On my 6.1.0 Portal Instance with a 6.1.0 SDK-Portlet that makes use of ServiceBuilder and the DL-Api this line: DynamicQuery query = DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(DLFileEntry.class) produces this error: 16:46:46,319 ERROR [DynamicQueryFactoryImpl:83] Unable find model com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl.DLFileEntryImpl java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.impl.DLFileEntryImpl at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass

Adding custom filter for asset publisher portlet?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-12 01:51:58
问题 We have created a new template and structure with custom attributes for submitting web content. The structure has few list attributes like: <dynamic-element name='size' type='list' index-type='' repeatable='false'> <meta-data>…</meta-data> <dynamic-element name='Less_than_5_000' type='Less_than_5_000' index-type='' repeatable='false'> </dynamic-element> <dynamic-element name='5_000_to_10_000_employees' type='5_000_to_10_000_employees' index-type='' repeatable='false'> </dynamic-element>

Can Liferay publish to a another server?

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-11 07:35:00
问题 here is the third question of my liferay series. :-) Sorry therefore but it is a different question. I want to provide a service on my server for sport clubs. The clubs should use the system for managing their internal communication. Furthermore they should publish news, content, etc. for all their guests on the public website. To get the full benefit the club must to transfer its domain to my server. To avoid this I thought of publishing to a different server. For example: The club uses my

Downloading files that has been uploaded via dynamic data list in Liferay portal

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-11 07:18:56
问题 I'm uploading files via dynamic data list Document field. Now I would like to allow anonymous users to download those files, but currently they see only file name without the link to file: Do you have any suggestions about how can I achieve that? Edit: As @Mark suggested, I've created Display Templated and in freemarker editor I've selected Display and Media field. It generated following code in my .ftl file: <a href="${ddmUtil.getDisplayFieldValue(themeDisplay, cur_record.getFieldValue(

Add a prefix to generated links, but not to incoming routes

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-11 05:47:07
问题 Our Rails 4 application needs to be accessible over an archaic portal. This portal works by adding (from the perspective of the browser) a prefix to each URL; this prefix is removed by the portal before forwarding the request to my application. So the browser calls https://portal.company.com/portal/prefix/xyzzy/myapp/mymodel/new ; the portal does its thing and requests https://myserver.company.com/myapp/mymodel/new (passing along the stripped prefix in some irrelevant way). The prefix is

Not able to open a portlet in liferay dialog

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-10 20:48:48
问题 I have a dialog in my portal which opens a portlet. When I click on the link and the dialog opens, the dialog shows You do not have the roles required to access this portlet. However, if I add the same portlet on the page, the portlet opens without any hitch, both on the page and the dialog. What am I missing here? Anybody got any idea ? My Codes are : #set ($profile_url = $portletURLFactory.create($request, "profile_WAR_profileportlet", $getterUtil.getLong($plid), "RENDER_PHASE")) $profile


谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-10 13:26:53
前言和基本操作请参考 【开发者portal在线开发插件系列一】profile和基本上下行消息 ,此处不再复述, 没操作过的小伙伴一定要先去看看哦~ 话不多说,开始今天的演(表)示(演) 场景说明: 假设一:有一款烟感设备(NB设备),具有烟雾报警功能和温度上报功能,也支持远程控制命令(远程打开报警功能,比如某大楼某房间着火,可以根据火势及火灾现场温度远程打开其他房间的烟雾报警,提醒住户疏散) 假设二:烟感设备可以同时上报烟雾报警和温度,也能单独上报温度(如温度每增加20度上报一次等) Profile开发: profile保持不变,见下图: 插件开发: 添加第一条上报消息,上报报警和温度(前面的基本操作步骤已省略) 添加messageId( 由于上行消息有两种,所以得用messageId来标志是哪种消息,这是在线开发插件的规定,看图中文字说明 ): 添加level属性字段: 添加temerature属性字段: 关联属性, 请仔细看图中说明: 添加第二条上报消息(单独上报温度): 添加messageId: 添加temperature属性: 关联字段: 命令下发: 与之前保持一致, 由于下行消息只有一条,不需要使用messageId区分(如果有两条或两条以上的下行消息,则要加上messageId) : 使用模拟器调测: (部署插件、添加设备、绑定步骤已省略)根据业务场景上报数据