
Is a CSS pixel really an absolute unit? That is, is 1 inch = 96px true?

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-11-30 08:22:00
The official W3C documentation says: 1 px = 1/96th of 1 in In my previous 18.5 inch screen, the screen.width was 1367 px and the screen width in inches was 14 inches . By the W3C formula: 14 * 96 px = 1344 px The W3C formula deviated by 20/14 px per inch . Since the deviation is too low, and 1 inch on my screen was 97.4 px I accepted the W3C formula, and believed that a CSS pixel is an absolute unit of measure , meaning it is always equal to 0.75 pt (a physical unit). This week I bought a 21.5 inch, full HD screen, which has width 19 inches and screen.width is 1920 px . So now 1 inch on my

WPF how to show an Image.Source (BitmapSource) pixel position?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-11-30 07:46:41
Let's suppose I've got an image which shows its source in a scaled way, how could i use a MouseMove event to show in a label or textblock the pixel position in which the cursor is? (I need the pixel coordinates not the coordinates of the image relative to its size) Thanks in advance. You can find out the actual pixel height and width from the ImageSource. ImageSource imageSource = image.Source; BitmapImage bitmapImage = (BitmapImage) imageSource ; Now since you got the image displayed in Image control. You can easily map the mouse position to the Pixel scale. pixelMousePositionX = e

How to load a pixel struct into an SSE register?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-11-30 06:57:54
I have a struct of 8-bit pixel data: struct __attribute__((aligned(4))) pixels { char r; char g; char b; char a; } I want to use SSE instructions to calculate certain things on these pixels (namely, a Paeth transformation). How can I load these pixels into an SSE register as 32-bits unsigned integers? Unpacking unsigned pixels with SSE2 Ok, using SSE2 integer intrinsics from <emmintrin.h> first load the thing into the lower 32 bits of the register: __m128i xmm0 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int*)&pixel); Then first unpack those 8-bit values into 16-bit values in the lower 64 bits of the register

Quickly getting the color of some pixels on the screen in Python on Windows 7

三世轮回 提交于 2019-11-30 06:26:06
问题 I need to get the color of some pixels on the screen or from the active window, and I need to do so quickly . I've tried using win32gui and ctypes/windll, but they're much too slow. Each of these programs gets the color of 100 pixels: import win32gui import time time.clock() for y in range(0, 100, 10): for x in range(0, 100, 10): color = win32gui.GetPixel(win32gui.GetDC(win32gui.GetActiveWindow()), x , y) print(time.clock()) and from ctypes import windll import time time.clock() hdc = windll


风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-11-30 06:09:05
这时跳转表单,填写账号密码,识别验证码这三项都已经完成,下面就开始模拟登入了(提前说明一下,这次模拟登入是在每张验证码都有固定的url,在下载到本地的验证码需要与打开网页时的验证码相同才行。你可以在网页中找到验证码的src打开两次,如果图片相同那么下面的登入应该就能成功了,如果不同那么下一篇介绍怎么解决) # 网络爬虫 验证码同步问题 from selenium import webdriver from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys import time from urllib.request import urlretrieve # 下面为识别函数 from shibie import recognize driver = webdriver.Firefox()# 下面为申请的代理检测问题用的 # profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile() #

Different Layouts For Different Screen Sizes On Android?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-11-30 05:30:01
So I made an app using in Eclipse using the Graphical Editor, AbsoluteLayout , fixed pixel values, etc... just bad practice in general. It defaulted to a 3.7in screen . Is there any way to design a separate layout for each screen size and have the program choose which to load based on said screen size? cV2 Provide different layouts for different screen sizes By default, Android resizes your application layout to fit the current device screen. In most cases, this works fine. In other cases, your UI might not look as good and might need adjustments for different screen sizes. For example, on a

Edit pixel values

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-11-30 04:54:51
问题 How to edit pixel values of an image in Java. Is there any method to change pixel values? 回答1: For example: BufferedImage image = ... image.setRGB(x, y, 0); From documentation: void setRGB(int x, int y, int rgb) //Sets a pixel in this BufferedImage to the specified RGB value. 回答2: In BufferedImage : public void setRGB(int x, int y, int rgb) Sets a pixel in this BufferedImage to the specified RGB value. The pixel is assumed to be in the default RGB color model, TYPE_INT_ARGB, and default sRGB

Get the percentage usage of every colour in an image

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-11-30 01:38:54
I have this one working but it is so damn slow on jpeg images and also needs some changing. I need to know the individual colours in an image (with a tolerance of +/- 1 for RGB) and the % of the image that is that colour. so if an image was black and white it would say something like White : 74% Black : 26% The code below works like I said but I need to add a tolerance system as well and I have no idea on how I would do that. private Dictionary<string, string> getPixelData(Bitmap image) { Dictionary<string, string> pixelData = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //int col, row; //int r, g, b;

iOS 5 + GLKView: How to access pixel RGB data for colour-based vertex picking?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-11-30 00:58:08
I've been converting my own personal OGLES 2.0 framework to take advantage of the functionality added by the new iOS 5 framework GLKit . After pleasing results, I now wish to implement the colour-based picking mechanism described here . For this, you must access the back buffer to retrieve a touched pixel RGBA value, which is then used as a unique identifier for a vertex/primitive/display object. Of course, this requires temporary unique coloring of all vertices/primitives/display objects. I have two questions, and I'd be very grateful for assistance with either: I have access to a

Highlight differences between images

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-11-29 19:24:26
问题 There is this image comparison code I am supposed to modify to highlight/point out the difference between two images. Is there a way to modify this code so as to highlight the differences in images. If not any suggestion on how to go about it would be greatly appreciated. int width1 = img1.getWidth(null); int width2 = img2.getWidth(null); int height1 = img1.getHeight(null); int height2 = img2.getHeight(null); if ((width1 != width2) || (height1 != height2)) { System.err.println("Error: Images