C# RSA Encrypt -> PHP RSA Decrypt
问题 I am trying to crypt AES Key and IV with RSA in C# and decrypt them with PHP using phpseclib. I tried to fix this problem for about 4 hours but I always get 'Decryption error on line 2495'. Seems to be something wrong with PKCS. Temporary Private Key <?php define("RSA_Private", "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICWwIBAAKBgQC/JPkdbqnnCTsfEbFlx/3bj+RP9wTdAh+f0Ndi55R4qBcrAIUv 1jTedYRkciAHIGSZgB2McymAuYzUtYW+22arD/ET/DiwwTP/+YPEJYenU2Zbfirb