
How to upload IPA file to App Store from Mac OS X Catalina

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-20 18:51:43
问题 I just created an app in Apple Developer portal and now I want to upload an IPA file created from Phonegap to App Store. How can I do it? In Mac OS X Catalina there is no iTunes app and I don't find in XCode > Open Developer Tool > Application loader. UPDATE: I can open Archives window in XCode but my app does not appear in the list. 回答1: Try xcrun altool command line: xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file <Path-to-ipa> --username <Username> --password <One-time-pass> Remember to use

How to upload IPA file to App Store from Mac OS X Catalina

孤人 提交于 2021-02-20 18:51:11
问题 I just created an app in Apple Developer portal and now I want to upload an IPA file created from Phonegap to App Store. How can I do it? In Mac OS X Catalina there is no iTunes app and I don't find in XCode > Open Developer Tool > Application loader. UPDATE: I can open Archives window in XCode but my app does not appear in the list. 回答1: Try xcrun altool command line: xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file <Path-to-ipa> --username <Username> --password <One-time-pass> Remember to use

cordova Ionic 和cordova的区别

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-13 08:35:29
ionic是什么: Ionic(ionicframework)一款开源的Html5移动App开发框架,是AngularJS移动端解决方案,Ionic以流行的跨平台移动app开发框架phoengap为蓝本,让开发者可以通过命令行工具快速生成android ios移动app应用 phoengap是什么? PhoneGap是一个用基于HTML,CSS和JavaScript的,创建移动跨平台移动应用程序的快速开发平台。它使开发者能够利用iPhone,Android,Palm,Symbian,WP7,WP8,Bada和Blackberry智能手机的核心功能——包括地理定位,加速器,联系人,声音和振动. 通俗的讲:ionic是一款基于angularjs的html5移动app开发框架 phonegap就是一款可以打包并且可以让js调用原生的移动app框架 那我不用命令安装ionic 可以使用ionic开发app吗?答案是可以得。 就可以把ionic当作一款html5 移动app框架,把phonegap/cordova 当作打包 并且调用原生的框架就可以了 至于:为什么ionic也可以打包,上面也说了,ionic的打包插件是基于phonegap/cordova的 首先我们需要明确以下几个概念: 1.即使我们将移动端web页面做得和原生应用及其相似,在我们的页面中也无法像原生应用那样调用原生的能力

How to open a 2017 Cordova project in Visual Studio 2019

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-11 17:27:24
问题 I have a Visual Studio project written using Visual Studio 2017 Tools for Apache Cordova, and I am unable to open it in Visual Studio 2019 (Message: incompatible) and there is no available Cordova project types. What's the best way to be able to open/edit/redeploy a Tools for Apache Cordova project? 回答1: You can't open it from visual 2019, because Microsoft stop supporting Cordova. The best way is to install visual 2017 for Apache Cordova projects only (to be lite in usage) and install latest

How to localize app name in cordova for iOS?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-02-11 15:01:34
问题 I am looking for a solution to localize my app's name in: English (EN) Chinese (Simplified) zh-Hans Chinese (Traditional) zh-Hant I am using build.phonegap to build my both apps so I cannot modify the platform code but instead it has to be from either some config on config.xml or using cordova hooks or any other solution. So far I found solution for android using hooks but it will not work for iOS. Thanks 回答1: For iOS you can do code in config.xml file. <platform name="ios"> <edit-config

Button onclick event not working in iOS unless you go away from app and back, then it works

二次信任 提交于 2021-02-11 13:34:42
问题 CHANGING QUESTION WITH NEW INFO Previously I asked the question below. But more details show that if you go to switch to a different app by going to unselect the app (may not be the right term) and then selecting the app, the button works. If you shut down the app and restart it doesn't work again. Very strange. I'm posting the complete page code below this paragraph, everything below that is the old question and partial code under the ------ line <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=

Button onclick event not working in iOS unless you go away from app and back, then it works

自作多情 提交于 2021-02-11 13:34:18
问题 CHANGING QUESTION WITH NEW INFO Previously I asked the question below. But more details show that if you go to switch to a different app by going to unselect the app (may not be the right term) and then selecting the app, the button works. If you shut down the app and restart it doesn't work again. Very strange. I'm posting the complete page code below this paragraph, everything below that is the old question and partial code under the ------ line <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=

16 种原型设计工具及其使用场景

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-08 19:50:16
简评: 每个人都在问:“哪个原型设计工具是最好的?!” 这是个错误的问题。正确的问法应该是:“哪个原型设计工具对我现阶段的目标是最好的?” ▎ 在开始设计原型时首先明确这四个问题: 原型设计是设计思维过程中的一个密切部分,它让我们有机会去证明我们的疯狂想法。当原型完成时,我们测试并验证我们的设想。当有新信息出现时,我们还会调整我们的设计。 但是我们如何知道我们该使用哪种工具呢?原型应该设计到哪个地步呢?无论你到原型设计的哪一个步骤,这里的四个问题你都应该注意: 你是在为手机、平板还是桌面做设计呢? 你的原型需要什么程度的保真度? 你需要多少时间完成设计? 你需要多少经验去展示? ▎六 种场景和每种场景下合适的原型设计工具 我将给你举些例子来说明我的观点,告诉你每个场景中哪个原型设计工具是最好的。我们将使用上面概述的问题为每个场景创建上下文。 一、快速的在线原型界面设计 在项目立项之初,可能会涉及多方同事协同,包括设计、产品、运营,以及团队的领导,这个时候通常会采用在线工具,方便迅速地给团队提供原型预览。 这一阶段的原型设计工具,推荐 摹客 :同时具备 强大的高保真原型设计能力 和 团队协作能力 。不仅保证了快速产出和精细设计两不误,同时满足产品经理、设计师的需要,在线工具的协作能力更是不容小觑:多人实时编辑,便捷的团队评审,工程师查看页面数据、复制代码等强大功能非常适合团队使用。

Returning a value from Cordova File Plugin when called from a function

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-01-29 15:09:38
问题 I have seen someone has posted a similar question but it doesn't really fit what I'am looking for: Here is my code: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#btnTest").bind("click", function(){ a = createFile(); alert(">> "+a); // Displayed returned value; }); function createFile(){ var type = window.TEMPORARY; var size = 5*1024*1024; window.requestFileSystem(type, size, successCallback, errorCallback) function successCallback(fs) { fs.root.getFile('log.txt', {create: true, exclusive: true}, function

How to add a custom button on contact's to open with my app?

烂漫一生 提交于 2021-01-28 11:09:08
问题 Well, I wanna know if it possible open a contact with a cordova app from "contacts" app like WhatsApp. See here a example: I search on Google and npm, but nothing... Thanks 回答1: There's really good documentation about this on Android's website here: Make sure you read the entire post, but specifically check out this section that talks about adding your stuff into the Contact 's screen: